German Language pack


but where is your problem?

The idea of Open Source has never mentioned that any code is free to use - for you and all the other guys :evil:
Open Source means that every free human being can decide without any constraints about the dimension he or her will participate or not participate within a community.
Your posting shows your neoliberal construct of ideas that everybody has to work for you. And only for you. Naturelly for free and outdoors. So a handmade translated popular german saying.
Yesterday I opened a group for SuiteCRM on, a popular social network in Germany, Austria and Switzerland to push the idea of SuiteCRM. This is my contribution to support the Community in Europe. Thousand thanks for the negative evaluation of this support through the users of this forum.


I do not have any problem with you or on making a paid language pack.
What I didn’t liked was your statement “No one is interested to waste his/her lifetime”.

Example: I will make my language pack free because I am already paid to make SuiteCRM work for the organization where I’m paid. So I will release it for free. I also created the foundations for others to collaborate on it (and for other languages) using the Transifex platform to translate

- But: I know that even after 100% translated on Transifex there is lot of work to be done to create a full language pack and I have nothing against someone get paid for THAT work. So if you want to get paid for creating a language pack feel free to do so.

This is for you and for all others: Be fair when advertising your work!
Within the license used for the software, you can only sell the work and the service, not the actual translations! You will also need to make any additional code open and available. Instructions on how to do are just a bonus!

Don’t say : this is my translation only, pay me! (if you partially used others works)

“This is My package. I used translations available online (Here**) and build a package with some extras. I will also keep it updated.
The code to create that extras is also available here ** if you want to create one for yourself.
Also, for an extra fee, i can also install it for you!”

So please keep on going, translate, help translate, create documents on how to do things, and so on!
At the end we all benefit from your work too!

Thanx for your adjustement of this discussion :slight_smile:

I know 3 popular ways for finance Open Source Software:

  1. You initialize a crowdfunding and pay the developers with the recieved money
  2. You develop some useful additional code on your own, sell it for 1 or 100 times to cover your costs and put it then under the conditions of GPL
  3. You develop some useful additional code, put it under the conditions of GPL and earn your money with consulting and services

Ultimately a developer works not for free. He has to buy his cup of coffee and his bap for the breakfast like other people too :frowning:

Unfortunately in Germany dominates a mindset, that we call “Geiz ist geil”. In broken English: Parsimony is horny. Cool :sick:
People wants anything for free. They don’t understand anymore, that code ist a result of human effort and that this effort has to be payed.

That’s the reason why my start in this forum runs unlucky. My statement was not very clear and the “Geiz ist geil”-vultures in Germany expected and demanded free code from me for nothing. Therefore I revise my first statement. There is no german language package for SuiteCRM. If the german vultures wants something like this for free, they should make it on their own. Or let me say it in german: “Vielleicht gibt es das deutsche Sprachpaket fĂŒr SuiteCRM ja bald auch mal fĂŒr 1,99 € beim Aldi”.

Greetings and please, continue with your work on this Open Source CRM :slight_smile:

I’ll write in German, as it seems that the reason is a misunderstanding in English language :cheer:

@ projectenmacher
Danke fĂŒr deine AusfĂŒhrung und Klarstellung.

SelbstverstÀndlich ist OSS nicht mit Freibier zu verwechseln.


[quote=“projectenmacher” post=14705]Hello @all!

I have realised a German Language Package for SuiteCRM 7.1 in the last weeks. It works fine, but it will still need some improvements.

The reason is: The structure of the language files in SuiteCRM is really complex. You just have to compare and to complete more than 3.500 variables in the /include/language/de_de.lang.php and in some language files of the modules like the administration one there are more than perhaps 500 variables.

Naturally this work could never offer for a free use to everybody. No one is interested to waste his/her lifetime. Therefore - if you want a german language package - you just have to pay for it or you will spent a lot of hours to make your own version. It is your decision.

I work since nearly 20 years now in the Industry, and i never had to read so much bullshit.
You realize the Linux Kernel contains more then 15 Millions Line of Code? And that alone from 2.6 to 3.1 over 50% of that code has been created? You think Linus intention was to sell the code? He, like thousands after him 
 just released the code into the wild to let anyone fiddle with it.

If everyone would have your mentality we would still be in the Win 3.1 era.

I guess you are the same guys that have advertised in this thread before.(And i bought all the stuff from there, its crap i can find myself with 20mins of google)
Furthermore i love your timing 
 just some days after i post a halfway working installable file you come out.


We have just released a FREE German language pack for SuiteCRM here =>

Wir haben gerade das kostenlose deutsche Sprachpaket fĂŒr SuiteCRM veröffentlicht, zu finden hier =>

Ich wollte die Sprachdateien runterladen leider bekommt man kein Email wenn man das Formular ausgefĂŒllt hat.

Sie haben bestimmt noch nicht in Ihrem Spam-Folder nachgesehen, oder? :slight_smile:

natĂŒrlich in den Spam Ordner gehe ich immer zuerst wenn die Email nicht innert 1 Minute in der Inbox ist.

Wir haben es eben mit einer probiert und fĂŒr uns funktioniert es.
Da Sie uns parallel eine E-Mail mit Ihren Kontaktdaten geschickt haben, erhalten Sie das Sprachpaket per E-Mail.

Wir haben ebenfalls eine funktionierende Sprachdatei

Da es aber immer wieder Probleme beim hochladen der Datei ĂŒber den Modul-Loader gab,
haben wir die Datei(en) per FTP hochgeladen und dann die entsprechende “config” Datei geĂ€ndert.


so wie es scheint liefert keine email an meinen email server aus. ich habe meine gmail adresse ausprobiert und habe ein email bekommen.
ich habe dann gleich getestet ob gmail auf meinen email server was schickt und es lÀuft perfekt.

es wÀre interessant warum von euch keine emails bei mir ankommen. ich bin wahrscheinlich nicht der einzige der keine emails bekommt.

Wir werden das prĂŒfen