German Language pack

Is german language pack available already?
Are there tools to create a german language pack?
Are there templates available to create a language pack?
thank you.

Hi krokogras,

There isn’t currently a fully translated English -> German pack for SuiteCRM. There may be language packs on Sugar Forge which you can use as a base for SuiteCRM.



Is the language pack for SugarCRM 6.5 valid for Suite CRM 7.01 ?
What’s about the the new additional modules compared to the open source version of SugarCRM CE?

Hi krokogras,

Language packs for SugarCRM CE 6.5.x will work with SuiteCRM but will not be 100% translated as I am sure you understand. The additional modules are not translated in standard SugarCRM CE language packs so these would have to be translated.



@ krokogras

hast du angefangen die neuen Module zu ĂĽbersetzen?
Falls ja, willst du sie teilen?

Danke und GruĂź

Deutsche Ăśbersetzung die ich geunden habe und die wie es scheint zu 99% ĂĽbersetzt ist, kannst unter laden.
Ist zwar von 2008 aber fast alles ist ĂĽbersetzt.

Schönen Gruß aus Österreich


Servus JT

Dieses habe ich gesaugt und installiert.

Dann hatte ich bei 2 getrennten Installationen ein Blank Page Problem:
Das war mit phpmyadmin einfach zu lösen - aber es konnte nicht mehr reproduziert werden und ist nachher auch nicht mehr aufgetreten.

Unabhängig vom obigen klappt es bei der 7.1b2 auch mit dem Menü-Drop-Down nicht mehr.
Wenn zuviele Einträge vorhanden sind wird das Dropdown nicht umgebrochen und der Bildschirm ist dann schlicht nicht mehr hoch genug um von unten was auszuwählen.

Sonnigen GruĂź aus Finnland

Passt perfekt, danke

Hi there,

I’d like to create and donate a German translation for SuiteCRM 7.1.

Can you please point me to the place/s the English text is kept (language pack, includes, whatever)?

Thanks & all the best,


Hi Rupert,

There are some translations already in German. The language pack key is de_de. You will need to copy all language files with the key en_us and rename to de_de. You then need to translate all of the labels to German. Finally, navigate to the config and add your key into the languages array:

'de_de' => 'German (DE)',

Please use our GitHub repository to save your progress and work on your language pack.



Has anyone started on the german translation? I cannot find anything in github repository. The only languages included are ru, es, en.



Hi there,

I believe several people have stated they would contribute, but no language pack has been contributed as yet.



Can you give me a sample template which works in SuiteCRM in english with all the english language files.
I’ll start that project if you can get me started with the right files.



I want to link to this topic:

Some people don’t have and don’t want to create a github account. Some users might not even get along with github.
I am positive that, if suiteCRM would have an internal translation tool available, more suiteCRM users would participate with translations. They would work “on the fly”.
The online tool should be hosted on the suiteCRM-project server (- if possible - with same username and password accessible used within the forum).


is this a good codebase to derive from???

please let me know.

1 Like

Hi there,

Are you simply forking SuiteCRM? That is the russian language pack fork. If you wish to fork the project, see the main GitHub repository.



Hi Rupert,

I believe there is no more need for a translation into German:
It’s already translated:

Hello Will

I am not forking anything as of now. I want to know if the file and directory structure of the russian package is correct and complete?



Hi everyone,
i would like to point to a german translate made by, google it if you like. It’s not expensive and it works for me.