Field text area colums rows in Studio

I’m wondering why the Descrition field is shown in full width in Edit mode while Status description is only half width
I had a look add the field property of these 2 fields, I see there is a Colums and Rows setting for this fielfd type TextArea. But even with the same setting as Description (R:6 C:80) I don’t get Status description to full width.
Is that hard coded or CSS maybe?
In the Layout setting Status Description is using a full row (no filler).

I did a quick check on LEADS MODULE and was not able to duplicate your issue in studio.Once a new row is inserted and the second column moved to it… the status description immediately fills in the space and is deplaye and sticks.

thanks for your effort; In Studio indeed the Row looks OK on full width and only the Status Description field in it. But when I close studio and look in the EDIT mode of the Lead I still get the Status Description in only the Left column, not spread over Left and Rigth column like in Studio.
In Detail view this does work fine.

do you mean, moving the field Status Description field from the ‘default’ scecond column to the newly created row? Anyway, I alread delete the Staus description fleld from the Edit view and placed it back on a new Row, now difference. I still the view like in my screenshot

Hi, I have the same issue, I reported my way here:

I hope it would be your help!