Dashboard items missing after upgrade to 7.10

Can anyone let me know how to restore the dashboard (not sure what theyā€™re called) widgets (my calls, my calendar, my opportunitiesā€¦ etc.) . They disappeared after a successful upgrade to 7.10.

When I login, it goes to a blank screen with only the menu items across the top;


ā€œVersion 7.10
Sugar Version 6.5.25 (Build 344)ā€


Your Dashlets (thatā€™s what theyā€™re called) are probably still there, but you seem to have a broken system, maybe with wrong permissions issues, or a corrupted cache folder.

Please try deleting folder ā€œcache/themesā€ (it will get recreated), check your permissions, and attempt Repairs from Admin / Repair

That had no effect. Permissions 755. Tried 777. No effect. changed bk to 755

Maybe you can follow this thread, thereā€™s a proposed solution there, though I am a bit skeptical about it


Tried, no effect

Can you reach the Admin / Repair screen to try a few things from there?

In your browser, if you turn off styles you can navigate the site better (although itā€™s going to look VERY weird, you can reach the links and click them).

In Firefox this is menu View / Page Style / No Style

Maybe this will lead somewhere.

There is a HOME option for each of those, then the various options underneath for each tab are appropriate for each.

What is interesting is that when I click on the Home option under ANY of the tabs, a window opens that says.

There was an error processing your request, please try again later.

The other options (Accounts, Contacts, Leadsā€¦ etc.) under the Home all work as expected.

Iā€™m thinking whatever is generating the error is the reasons the widgets arenā€™t showing up on the dashboard page.

If anyone knows where or why that error is generated or where I can check a log file, please let me know. I will report back.

You can check tusual logshe usual logs for any errors at the time the screen shows broken.

You can also check your browserā€™s Developer console for errors.

I can reach the admin/repair screen fine. always have been able to. Iā€™ve run quick repair each time Iā€™ve made any sort of change.

Clearing Vardefs from cache...done
Clearing language files from cache...done
Clearing Template files from cache...done
Clearing JS files from cache...done
Clearing Vardefs from cache...done
Clearing JS Language files from cache...done
Clearing language files from cache...done
Clearing SuiteCRM Dashlet files from cache...done
Clearing SuiteCRM Feed Cache...done
Clearing Smarty templates from cache...done
Clearing Theme Cache...done
Clearing XML files from cache...done
Clearing Unified Search Cache...done
Clearing External API Cache File...done
Rebuilding Extensions...
Rebuilding Include...
Rebuilding Language...en_us
Rebuilding ActionViewMap...
Rebuilding ActionFileMap...
Rebuilding ActionReMap...
Rebuilding Administration...
Rebuilding EntryPointRegistry...
Rebuilding Extensions...
Rebuilding FileAccessControlMap...
Rebuilding Layoutdefs...
Rebuilding GlobalLinks...
Rebuilding LogicHooks...
Rebuilding Menus...
Rebuilding Include...
Rebuilding ScheduledTasks...
Rebuilding UserPage...
Rebuilding Utils...
Rebuilding Vardefs...
Rebuilding JSGroupings...
Rebuilding Actions...
Rebuilding DC Actions...
Rebuilding RelationshipsRebuilding TableDictionary...
Updating the admin warning message...
Rebuilding Audit Tables...
ACLAction not Audit Enabled...
ACLRole not Audit Enabled...
Relationship not Audit Enabled...
Audit table for Leads already exists. skipping...
Audit table for Cases already exists. skipping...
Audit table for Bugs already exists. skipping...
User not Audit Enabled...
CampaignLog not Audit Enabled...
Project not Audit Enabled...
Audit table for ProjectTasks already exists. skipping...
Audit table for Campaigns already exists. skipping...
ProspectList not Audit Enabled...
Prospect not Audit Enabled...
EmailMarketing not Audit Enabled...
CampaignTracker not Audit Enabled...
Release not Audit Enabled...
EmailMan not Audit Enabled...
Scheduler not Audit Enabled...
SchedulersJob not Audit Enabled...
Audit table for Contacts already exists. skipping...
Audit table for Accounts already exists. skipping...
Audit table for Opportunitys already exists. skipping...
EmailTemplate not Audit Enabled...
Note not Audit Enabled...
Call not Audit Enabled...
Email not Audit Enabled...
Meeting not Audit Enabled...
Task not Audit Enabled...
User not Audit Enabled...
Employee not Audit Enabled...
Currency not Audit Enabled...
Tracker not Audit Enabled...
ImportMap not Audit Enabled...
UsersLastImport not Audit Enabled...
Administration not Audit Enabled...
UpgradeHistory not Audit Enabled...
vCal not Audit Enabled...
Alert not Audit Enabled...
Role not Audit Enabled...
Document not Audit Enabled...
DocumentRevision not Audit Enabled...
FieldsMetaData not Audit Enabled...
InboundEmail not Audit Enabled...
SavedSearch not Audit Enabled...
UserPreference not Audit Enabled...
MergeRecord not Audit Enabled...
EmailAddress not Audit Enabled...
EmailText not Audit Enabled...
Spots not Audit Enabled...
AOBH_BusinessHours not Audit Enabled...
SugarFeed not Audit Enabled...
EAPM not Audit Enabled...
OAuthKey not Audit Enabled...
OAuthToken not Audit Enabled...
Audit table for AM_ProjectTemplatess already exists. skipping...
Audit table for AM_TaskTemplatess already exists. skipping...
Favorites not Audit Enabled...
Audit table for AOK_Knowledge_Base_Categoriess already exists. skipping...
Audit table for AOK_KnowledgeBases already exists. skipping...
Reminder not Audit Enabled...
Reminder_Invitee not Audit Enabled...
Audit table for FP_eventss already exists. skipping...
Audit table for FP_Event_Locationss already exists. skipping...
Audit table for AOD_IndexEvents already exists. skipping...
Audit table for AOD_Indexs already exists. skipping...
Audit table for AOP_Case_Eventss already exists. skipping...
Audit table for AOP_Case_Updatess already exists. skipping...
Audit table for AOR_Reports already exists. skipping...
AOR_Field not Audit Enabled...
AOR_Chart not Audit Enabled...
AOR_Condition not Audit Enabled...
AOR_Scheduled_Reports not Audit Enabled...
Audit table for AOS_Contractss already exists. skipping...
Audit table for AOS_Invoicess already exists. skipping...
Audit table for AOS_PDF_Templatess already exists. skipping...
Audit table for AOS_Product_Categoriess already exists. skipping...
Audit table for AOS_Productss already exists. skipping...
Audit table for AOS_Products_Quotess already exists. skipping...
Audit table for AOS_Line_Item_Groupss already exists. skipping...
Audit table for AOS_Quotess already exists. skipping...
AOW_Action not Audit Enabled...
Audit table for AOW_WorkFlows already exists. skipping...
AOW_Processed not Audit Enabled...
AOW_Condition not Audit Enabled...
Audit table for jjwg_Mapss already exists. skipping...
Audit table for jjwg_Markerss already exists. skipping...
Audit table for jjwg_Areass already exists. skipping...
Audit table for jjwg_Address_Caches already exists. skipping...
Audit table for Calls_Reschedules already exists. skipping...
Audit table for SecurityGroups already exists. skipping...
Audit table for OutboundEmailAccountss already exists. skipping...
TemplateSectionLine not Audit Enabled...
OAuth2Tokens not Audit Enabled...
OAuth2Clients not Audit Enabled...
Audit table for SurveyResponsess already exists. skipping...
Audit table for Surveyss already exists. skipping...
Audit table for SurveyQuestionResponsess already exists. skipping...
Audit table for SurveyQuestionss already exists. skipping...
Audit table for SurveyQuestionOptionss already exists. skipping...
Database tables are synced with vardefs

I had this problem once, here are a couple of things you can try:

  1. quick repair and rebuild
  2. Flush your browser cache
  3. Turn off gzip compression on your server.

HOME page dashlets missing after upgrade as per attached image. Page is simply blank with exception of the header. Have tried the lest technical among the solutions suggested here: Repair and browser cache and delete themes folder. No effect. I would be grateful for suggestions. Thank you.

White screen could be a PHP error. Turn on error reporting in your PHP config and let us know of any errors that are thrown.

No idea what Iā€™m looking at. If someone could tell me specifically what to turn ON/OFF in developer tools, happy to comply. Iā€™m on a shared host and while I see php configuration in cpanel, there doesnā€™t seem to be an option for debug.

hereā€™s what I get immediately showing after login. Before I upgraded to 7.10 I would get the dashlets as soon as I logged-in.

index.php?module=Home&action=index:1009 Resource interpreted as Document but transferred with MIME type image/gif: ā€œhttp://howellsilverman.net/scrmxteam/index.php?entryPoint=getImage&imageName=blank.pngā€.
18:04:49.041 sugar_grp1_jquery.js?v=qfnR5yN4KspRfVynH4idVw:4 XHR finished loading: GET ā€œhttp://howellsilverman.net/scrmxteam/index.php?module=Alerts&action=get&to_pdf=1ā€.
send @ sugar_grp1_jquery.js?v=qfnR5yN4KspRfVynH4idVw:4
ajax @ sugar_grp1_jquery.js?v=qfnR5yN4KspRfVynH4idVw:4
Alerts.updateManager @ sugar_grp1.js?v=qfnR5yN4KspRfVynH4idVw:20
updateMissed @ sugar_grp1.js?v=qfnR5yN4KspRfVynH4idVw:23
setTimeout (async)
(anonymous) @ sugar_grp1.js?v=qfnR5yN4KspRfVynH4idVw:23
j @ sugar_grp1_jquery.js?v=qfnR5yN4KspRfVynH4idVw:2
fireWith @ sugar_grp1_jquery.js?v=qfnR5yN4KspRfVynH4idVw:2
ready @ sugar_grp1_jquery.js?v=qfnR5yN4KspRfVynH4idVw:2
I @ sugar_grp1_jquery.js?v=qfnR5yN4KspRfVynH4idVw:2
18:05:49.033 sugar_grp1_jquery.js?v=qfnR5yN4KspRfVynH4idVw:4 XHR finished loading: GET ā€œhttp://howellsilverman.net/scrmxteam/index.php?module=Alerts&action=get&to_pdf=1ā€.
send @ sugar_grp1_jquery.js?v=qfnR5yN4KspRfVynH4idVw:4
ajax @ sugar_grp1_jquery.js?v=qfnR5yN4KspRfVynH4idVw:4
Alerts.updateManager @ sugar_grp1.js?v=qfnR5yN4KspRfVynH4idVw:20
updateMissed @ sugar_grp1.js?v=qfnR5yN4KspRfVynH4idVw:23
setTimeout (async)
updateMissed @ sugar_grp1.js?v=qfnR5yN4KspRfVynH4idVw:23
setTimeout (async)
(anonymous) @ sugar_grp1.js?v=qfnR5yN4KspRfVynH4idVw:23
j @ sugar_grp1_jquery.js?v=qfnR5yN4KspRfVynH4idVw:2
fireWith @ sugar_grp1_jquery.js?v=qfnR5yN4KspRfVynH4idVw:2
ready @ sugar_grp1_jquery.js?v=qfnR5yN4KspRfVynH4idVw:2
I @ sugar_grp1_jquery.js?v=qfnR5yN4KspRfVynH4idVw:2
18:06:22.594 [Violation] Forced reflow while executing JavaScript took 32ms

Thank you for your help. Here is what appears on the home page after turning on error reporting:

Warning: Redis::connect(): connect() failed: Connection refused in /var/www/vhosts/neoviapro.com/clients.neoviapro.com/include/SugarCache/SugarCacheRedis.php on line 102
Toggle navigation

Warning: require_once(custom/modules/Connectors/connectors/sources/ext/rest/facebook/config.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /var/www/vhosts/neoviapro.com/clients.neoviapro.com/include/social/facebook/facebook.class.php on line 10

Fatal error: require_once(): Failed opening required ā€˜custom/modules/Connectors/connectors/sources/ext/rest/facebook/config.phpā€™ (include_path=ā€™/var/www/vhosts/neoviapro.com/clients.neoviapro.com:/var/www/vhosts/neoviapro.com/clients.neoviapro.com/include/HTMLPurifier/standalone:/var/www/vhosts/neoviapro.com/clients.neoviapro.com/include/ā€¦:.:/opt/plesk/php/7.0/share/pear:modules/AOD_Index/Libā€™) in /var/www/vhosts/neoviapro.com/clients.neoviapro.com/include/social/facebook/facebook.class.php on line 10

Also this in a popup:
Warning: Redis::connect(): connect() failed: Connection refused in /var/www/vhosts/neoviapro.com/clients.neoviapro.com/include/SugarCache/SugarCacheRedis.php on line 102

@Explorer search these forums for other threads where people had problems with ā€œRedisā€ like youā€™re having. Itā€™s a caching system that seems to have problems with SuiteCRM. Then if you still have problems, open your own thread, donā€™t hijack this one, itā€™s very confusing to help people this way. Thanks

@Howellsilverman MIME type problems are generally issues with Apache configuration (or whatever web server youā€™re using). Check that.

This is the topic i started.

I was replying to the suggestion to turn on developer mode and see what errors are shown. What i entered was what was shown. I donā€™t know what Iā€™m looking at as far as the output. So it wasnā€™t my intention to ā€œhijackā€ anything. I donā€™t even know what that term means.

Now, if you can help me figure out why the dashboard isnā€™t showing up after the upgrade to 7.10 let me know. If the reply i provided isnā€™t appropriate then i canā€™t help it. That is the output i observed. If i should be looking for something else or copying output in some other way let me know. I just want to resolve the problem.

If you read my reply carefully, youā€™ll see I had a paragraph directed at user ā€œExplorerā€ telling HIM not to come into YOUR thread :slight_smile: Heā€™s the hijacker, meaning,the one ā€œstealingā€ someone elseā€™s thread. I understand why people do that, they think itā€™s better that way because of the similarity of topic, but I ask them to move to a specific thread because the complexity of these troubleshooting issues does not work well with so much confusion.

So you are in the right place, and this is where we try to help YOU, howellsilverman.

Have you been checking both php_errors.log and suitecrm.log? The two logs include different things. Look for any ERROR or FATAL messages there and please post back here.

Hereā€™s what the error log shows.

[Thu Mar 01 12:30:34 2018] [error] [client] File does not exist: /home/siliconc/public_html/404.shtml
[Thu Mar 01 12:30:34 2018] [error] [client] File does not exist: /home/siliconc/public_html/robots.txt
[Thu Mar 01 12:29:51 2018] [error] [client] PHP Fatal error: require_once(): Failed opening required ā€˜custom/modules/Connectors/connectors/sources/ext/rest/facebook/config.phpā€™ (include_path=ā€™/home/siliconc/public_html/scrmxteam:/home/siliconc/public_html/scrmxteam/include/HTMLPurifier/standalone:/home/siliconc/public_html/scrmxteam/include/ā€¦:.:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php:/usr/local/php56/lib/phpā€™) in /home/siliconc/public_html/scrmxteam/include/social/facebook/facebook.class.php on line 10, referer: http://howellsilverman.net/scrmxteam/index.php?action=Login&module=Users
[Thu Mar 01 12:29:51 2018] [error] [client] PHP Warning: require_once(custom/modules/Connectors/connectors/sources/ext/rest/facebook/config.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/siliconc/public_html/scrmxteam/include/social/facebook/facebook.class.php on line 10, referer: http://howellsilverman.net/scrmxteam/index.php?action=Login&module=Users
[Thu Mar 01 12:27:54 2018] [error] [client] File does not exist: /home/siliconc/public_html/404.shtml
[Thu Mar 01 12:27:54 2018] [error] [client] File does not exist: /home/siliconc/public_html/robots.txt

Can you go in Admin / Connectors and turn off any connectors there? Are you using any?