Creating an Assessment modules from Survey modules

Hello fellow developers, I am looking to create an Assessment modules for Cases. The Assessment will be similar to the Survey modules where the user can create a new survey/assessment with user defined questions and answer choices, then the assessment response will have a 1:M relationship link to the a case.

I look at this thread that talks about how to duplicate a module. If I need to borrow codes from the Survey modules, there are 5 distinct modules and the many relationships in the vardef. Do you feel like this is the right approach or it will be better to build from scratch?

Any feedback would be great! Thanks!

I don’t think you should try duplicating the Surveys module unless you are a very experienced and advanced SuiteCRM developer. It won’t be easy, at all. Some modules are more complex than others, and some are more tied into the rest of the system than others. Surveys is not a simple module to untangle from the rest…

Possible? Certainly.

A good idea? Unlikely. Try to reach your goals in some other way…