I’ve created a custom module in wich Certificates for participants for a training are created.
I managed to add the option to print a certificate to pdf, and it works perfect.
The next step is to add the Print to pdf button to Bulk Action menu like in the leads module. So I can print multiple certificates at ones.
I couldn’t find a good walktrough.
This will teach you how to add List view action items (the bulk actions menu). Then you can go look for the way it is done in the Leads module, and try to copy it to your custom module.
If you get a nice clean solution please post it here for others! Thanks.
SuiteCRM latest version.
What i did
/custom/modules/sl_ap_B2C_order/views/view.list.php (with <?php at the begining):
class sl_ap_B2C_orderViewList extends ViewList
* @see ViewList::preDisplay()
public function preDisplay()
$this->lv = new ContactsListViewSmarty();
/custom/modules/sl_ap_B2C_order/sl_ap_B2C_orderListViewSmarty.php (with <?php at the begining):
class sl_ap_B2C_orderListViewSmarty extends ListViewSmarty
public function __construct()
$this->targetList = true;
* @deprecated deprecated since version 7.6, PHP4 Style Constructors are deprecated and will be remove in 7.8, please update your code, use __construct instead
public function sl_ap_B2C_orderListViewSmarty()
$deprecatedMessage = 'PHP4 Style Constructors are deprecated and will be remove in 7.8, please update your code';
if (isset($GLOBALS['log'])) {
} else {
trigger_error($deprecatedMessage, E_USER_DEPRECATED);
* @param file $file Template file to use
* @param array $data from ListViewData
* @param string $htmlVar the corresponding html public in xtpl per row
* @return bool|void
public function process($file, $data, $htmlVar)
$configurator = new Configurator();
if ($configurator->isConfirmOptInEnabled()) {
$this->actionsMenuExtraItems[] = $this->buildSendConfirmOptInEmailToPersonAndCompany();
$ret = parent::process($file, $data, $htmlVar);
if (!ACLController::checkAccess($this->seed->module_dir, 'export', true) || !$this->export) {
$this->ss->assign('exportLink', $this->buildExportLink());
return $ret;
public function buildExportLink($id = 'export_link')
global $app_strings;
global $sugar_config;
$script = "";
if (ACLController::checkAccess($this->seed->module_dir, 'export', true)) {
if ($this->export) {
$script = parent::buildExportLink($id);
$script .= "<a href='javascript:void(0)' id='map_listview_top' " .
" onclick=\"return sListView.send_form(true, 'jjwg_Maps', " .
"'index.php?entryPoint=jjwg_Maps&display_module={$_REQUEST['module']}', " .
return formLetter::LVSmarty().$script;
Everything exports from list view to pdf fine. But every time when I run bulk export to PDF in list view of Custom module, in Notes module new notes are created for every single item from Custom module I exported…
How to fix it?!
Sorry I know this is old thread, so let me know if making a new one would be better but i hope someone can help me.
i have followed the above and have sucsessfully made the bulk Print to PDF button in the quotes module. however when it generate the PDF everything works fine accept the data within the Product Line which just appear as the placeholder