Blank page after 7.14 to 8.6.1 upgrade


I followed the steps from SuiteCRM 7.12.x+ migration to SuiteCRM 8.x :: SuiteCRM Documentation to upgrade from 7.14 to 8.6.1.
Now when i open the page, i get a blank page.

In error.log from apache2 doesn’t show anything, how can we fix it?

Thank you


When you see a blank page, most probably your virtual host is not set up setup correctly. Have a look at that.
2nd thing is that make sure your permission are reset according to the guide Downloading & Installing :: SuiteCRM Documentation

If still doesnt work out, we have actually built a working AWS image of SuiteCRM 8.6 on AlmaLinux 9 (RHEL 9). It’s optimized for performance and security. Hope this will help to save some deployment time. Let us know if you need any help.


My problem was exactly the one described here: SuiteCRM 8 - Q & A - #65 by clemente.raposo

I followed the steps and now it works.
Thanks for the help.

awesome! What was the issue?