&gt ' apostrophe arrow right being replaced

Iā€™ve finally started my official move from SugarCRM 6.2.1. My setup is

  • Ubuntu 22.04
  • SuiteCRM 8.6.1
    and I getting some issues Iā€™d like resolve.

Iā€™ve used SugarCRM as my ticketing system for a small tech support company for decade(s). Once I upgraded my Proxmox from v7 to v8 SugarCRM died. I imagine the whole Red Hat 5 platform is not supported. The CRM(s) are not accessible from the outside world, only from the LAN by design - Iā€™m paranoid and deal with medical offices (HIPAA) . Accounts are my clients, Cases are jobs at the clients, when a job is technically completed we then toggle the status to Pending Input so my accountant knows to bill the client. While not the perfect solution it has worked well and I control my data.

For this topic, when I use an apostrophe " ā€™ " in Cases it is replaced by ā€œ'ā€ and arrow right ā€œ>ā€ becomes " & amp; gt;" How do I change this? Is this a case of the UTF setting? Iā€™m looking for US standard.


FYI Proxmox 8 should let you run a Red Hat 5 platform inside its own fully virtualized ā€œVirtual Machineā€, and then Proxmox 8 would only be able to start it, shutdown, reboot it, etc.

Please share the screenshots of where in Cases is Suite showing symbols such as > incorrectly as > the HTML entity name, and ' as ' the HTML entity number.

Hereā€™s an exampleā€¦
In the first red part I wrote the word then typed the symbol. It saves it in some UTF/code (?) fashion.
In the second red part it is supposed to be 2 right arrows >>

As for RH5 on Prox8, yes, I am sure I can whack at it to make it work. But Iā€™d prefer to move away from the legacy platform. In the short term I moved SugarCRM back to a Prox7 platform until I migrate the important data into SuiteCRM.

It looks like the solution is to turn off TinyMCE entirely. This appears to be an issues since 2015. Iā€™ve seen some solutions for older versions. Iā€™m not sure if they will work in the current release though.

It does strike me odd that Iā€™m having this issue. My setup is amazingly plain-jane. Are there no others with this issue?

Any chance thereā€™s a simple checkbox somewhere that is essentially >>> TinyMCE = off/on

I donā€™t see such option but yes, even for me it is replacing right arrow & apostrophe with code.

What module is this? >> 8 GB

it's new bug

Add 'nl2br' => true, to moduleā€™s public/legacy/custom/MODULE/metadata/editviewdefs.php code.

   4 =>
          0 =>
            'name' => 'description',
             'nl2br' => true,

I was hoping to turn off the TinyMCE but Iā€™m having no luck.

I did a
find /var/www/html/ -name view.edit.php

which got me to

NOTE: there are bunches of view.edit.php files, make sure you are looking as the Cases/views file

the code there generates 3 concerns

  • itā€™s listed as Legacy, any chance it is still active?
  • no TinyMCE to REM out
  • the only reference I see is include/SugarTinyMCE.php

Should I REM the include line? I cannot find a SugarTinyMCE.php file anywhere. Iā€™m guessing it is buried inside a higher level library (include) file?

Mind you, I donā€™t do this, like, at all. Give me instructions on what to edit in a file and Iā€™ll do it. Thatā€™s completely different from understanding whatā€™s going on and the possible ramifications of the code changes.

// I cut out the copyright info for this post


class CasesViewEdit extends ViewEdit
    public function __construct()

    public function display()

        $newScript = '';

        if (empty($this->bean->id)) {
            $newScript = "

         echo '<script>$(document).ready(function(){' . $newScript . '})</script

More topics:

Thanks, Iā€™ve seen that post and referenced it for others.

I do see

which references disabling TinyMCE. It kinda matches my concern that the ā€˜legacyā€™ really does mean old/not likely used. The post points to the editing the VARDEFS file now. But Iā€™ve have yet to figure out what to do where.

Search these forums for legacy.module_routing to learn how to change the mode of specific modules.


A possible solutionā€¦

Try it and let us know!

Thanks, but that seems to be going further down the rabbit hole.


I tried adding the file ā€¦/suitecrm/public/legacy/custom/Extension/modules/Cases/Ext/Vardefs/customizations.php ; after a Quick Repair and Rebuild all it did was brick my interface. Thankfully I took a snapshot first.

It seems like turning off the TinyMCE editor is the fix. Just no idea where to turn it off at. Sigh.

I did reach out to the original fixer to see if he/she has insight for the new platform.

This is for Email:

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Thanks, I tried changing it anyway but it had no effect on Cases. :frowning:

You need to report this bug to SuiteCRM.