Amazon SES integration

Hello friends,

Amazon SES integration for outgoing mails is not working with suitecrm. Please assist.

any news regarding this issue ?

I’ve set it up a couple of times for clients without issue. What seems to be the problem?

is it working for you ? can you show us the email sending ?

Screenshot 2024-12-08 at 21.14.45

here is my config !

If it’s not working with those settings, the problem is not SuiteCRM.

Check your SES configuration, I think there is allowed sender options, allowed IP’s etc. that have to be configured properly.

you have the documentation ?

@deeduckme I don’t have specific documentation, but I remember the challenge was getting the SES settings correct. I kind of remember settings to limit sending by domain and/or IP address that had to be adjusted to allow the connection.

I also remember struggling with the smtp server name. I remember it wasn’t obvious which SMTP server to use and I had to change that up a few times until I got the correct one. Your SES account will be linked to a specific SMTP server. You have to use that one or it will not work. From memory, that’s what I remember as the issues.

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in your capture, what is your username ? do you have info please ?

Username is generated by SES I can’t show that it’s confidential. It’ similar to the user key you have posted.

Another issue is coming back to me. You can ONLY send from a verified email address. Ensure the email address your sending your tests from is verified. I remember this being a big deal too.

yes all that steps are ok

please let me know what you changed

The only other thing I can think of is, I remember a few versions back the SSL/TLS wasn’t saving in the DB. What version are you on?

Other than that, you just have to keep trying different things. SMTP 111 means:

  • Invalid sender domain: The sender domain may be invalid
  • Firewall issues: Firewalls may be blocking the connection
  • Invalid login credentials: The login credentials may be invalid
  • Blocked email sending port: The recipient may have blocked the email sending port
  • Misspelled domain: The email address being sent to may be misspelled

Have you tried connecting/sending to SES through another email client and see if that works.

yes working with sendy:

I installed with amazon ses too and it’s working

what’s the problem with suiteCRM ?

SutieCRM is not the problem as I have it working. Has to be your hosting. Are the ports open? Does your hosting provider allow SMTP connections to Amazon SES? I know some hosting providers block SMTP connections to various email services (Godaddy is an example, everything has to route through their

Additionally, it could be your linux server:

If you’re using linux system, then you could try to disable firewall and run your installation.

Disable UFW

To disable ufw use:

sudo ufw disable

table outbound_email is updated with ses account in the database
and ports are open :

telnet xx.xx.xx.xx 587
Trying xx.xx.xx.xx…
Connected to xx.xx.xx.xx.

what is your smtp user for ses ?

ses-smtp-user.2xxxxx ?
or something else ?

SMTP user is the code that Amazon gives you when you setup an SMTP account. You should get a username, password and a SPECIFIC server that this works on.

If you already tested it, you know your credentials are good.

We know that SES must now be configured correctly.
We know that your hosting is not blocking it now.

Is your TLS version on your server updated and one that is supported by AWS?

Just trying to come up with other things to check.

The other thing you can try is connect to a different SMTP server from SuiteCRM so we can rule out completely (or not) as SuiteCRM being the issue.

does suiteCRM has log or traces ?