I’m trying to add the case number to the email that is generated on case assignment.
I created a custom email template file custom/include/language/en_us.notify_template.html, but don’t know how to refer to the case number.
I tried {CASE_NUMBER} and {CASE_CASE_NUMBER} and neither worked. I have no idea where to find the variables allowed, and what case_number would be called.
he’s referring to the notification mail on user assignment, that’s handled by the notify template, you’re in the correct path but you need to modify the /modules/Cases/Case.php specifically the function set_notification_body($xtpl, $case) you need to add the case_number xtpl there variable, remember to copy this file and modify it in the custom folder
Our SuiteCRM version is 8.6.0. I check the file modules/Cases/Case.php and notice that this line is already in the file: $xtpl->assign('CASE_NUMBER', $case->case_number);
But why is the case number not shown in our notification email?
Can you look at the Case Assignment email notification template, and see if the variable CASE_NUMBER is used anywhere in there, like in the Subject (the expected place to show the case number), or in the Description?
I believe you are referring to this file include/language/en_us.notify_template.html
Indeed, the variable CASE_NUMBER is missing.
<!-- BEGIN: Case_Subject -->
<p>SuiteCRM Case - {CASE_SUBJECT}</p>
<!-- END: Case_Subject -->
<!-- BEGIN: Case -->
<p><b>{ASSIGNER}</b> has assigned a Case to <b>{ASSIGNED_USER}</b>.</p>
Subject: {CASE_SUBJECT}<br/>
Priority: {CASE_PRIORITY}<br/>
Status: {CASE_STATUS}<br/>
<p>You may <a href={URL}>review this Case</a>.</p>
<!-- END: Case -->
I added this line Case Number: {CASE_NUMBER}<br/>
<!-- BEGIN: Case_Subject -->
<p>SuiteCRM Case - {CASE_SUBJECT}</p>
<!-- END: Case_Subject -->
<!-- BEGIN: Case -->
<p><b>{ASSIGNER}</b> has assigned a Case to <b>{ASSIGNED_USER}</b>.</p>
Case Number: {CASE_NUMBER}<br/>
Subject: {CASE_SUBJECT}<br/>
Priority: {CASE_PRIORITY}<br/>
Status: {CASE_STATUS}<br/>
<p>You may <a href={URL}>review this Case</a>.</p>
<!-- END: Case -->
But in the received notification email, I got this.
I do not think the variables used in the email templates are the same as the variables used in en_us.notify_template.html. However, I do not know much about coding, so I may be wrong.
I have inserted a debug point within the function set_notification_body to check if there is a value returned for case_number. The result captured in the log shows that case_number value is empty.
I have no idea how to proceed from here.
public function set_notification_body($xtpl, $case)
global $app_list_strings;
$xtpl->assign('CASE_NUMBER', $case->case_number);
$xtpl->assign('CASE_SUBJECT', $case->name);
(isset($case->priority) ? $app_list_strings['case_priority_dom'][$case->priority] : '')
$xtpl->assign('CASE_STATUS', (isset($case->status) ? $app_list_strings['case_status_dom'][$case->status] : ''));
$xtpl->assign('CASE_DESCRIPTION', nl2br($case->description));
// Debug point: Notification body set
debug_log("Notification body set for the case. Case number: " . $case->case_number);
return $xtpl;
Now, in Case.php, I have inserted debug points into two of the functions with stack trace enabled:
Below is the output log captured after sending a new email to the group email account (Create Case from Email is enalbed).
I notice that for the function call of set_notification_body. the returned value of case_number is null. But for the function call of fill_in_additional_detail_fields, the returned value of case_number is 762, which is correct.
The problem is exactly that, the notification email is getting populated just before the number is saved in the DB, so someone is suggesting changing that order:
This code is complex, and not very well done. I had to fix it for my add-on PowerReplacer.
I just dug up my notes at the time, and you can see for yourself how messy it gets
This is what the Create Case process does currently:
1. Receives an Email in an inbox marked as "auto create case"
2. Creates a Case and copies some details from the Email into it.
3. Looks for Account(s) that match the email sender, sets the Case creator to be the first of those Accounts
4. Side-effect of the above: a case assignment notification email is sent to the user to whom the Account is assigned
5. Links the Email to the new Case
6. Links the new Case to the contact (some extra complexity here, depending on whether the sender email belongs to an account, a contact, both, or even several records of each).
7. Side effect of the above: some change notifications emails are sent
8. Copies all incoming Email attachments as files linked to SuiteCRM Notes records, and links them all to the Case.
9. Saves the Email record filling in some more details
10. Side-effect of above: sends change notifications to user assigned to the email
11. Finally starts working on the Reply Email, gathering details such as the Template to use and "From name" and "From address", and creates a subject line with the Case number
12. Does NOT replace any variables in the template! That code simply is not there.
13. Tries to send, but most email servers will reject it due to a wrong "From address".
So as you see - three emails, each with parts missing… the one you’re seeing seems closer to what is intended, but struggles with the new case number. The one that had a better chance of being complete (the last one) is quite a mess to repair