Accounts - Sorting / Pagination Not Working

Hi all,

On my Accounts list view, I have 2400+ accounts. I have just noticed that I cannot use the pagination buttons or sorting headers!

If I click on “Next” or “End” it still stays on “1-20 of 2400”.

I have done;

  • Quick Rebuild/Repair
  • ensured all filters are off on the list view
  • removed random columns to see if they were causing problems
  • Chrome console shows no errors - Only “Failed to decode downloaded font:”

Does anyone have any suggestions?

Please read this

For this case I especially need to know your Versions and relevant errors in your logs. Thanks


My apologies, I was in a rush doing other work whilst trying to look into this.

I am using v7.10.7 (upgraded from 7.10.4)

If I clear to log and click “Next” on the Accounts list view, the log shows the following;

Fri Jul 20 05:38:27 2018 [12872][1][WARN] Saving error level. Try to remove the error_reporting() function from your code.
Fri Jul 20 05:38:27 2018 [12872][1][WARN] Pop error level. Try to remove the error_reporting() function from your code.
Fri Jul 20 05:38:27 2018 [12872][1][DEPRECATED] Using row number in fetchByAssoc is not portable and no longer supported. Please fix your code.
Fri Jul 20 05:38:27 2018 [12872][1][WARN] Saving error level. Try to remove the error_reporting() function from your code.
Fri Jul 20 05:38:27 2018 [12872][1][WARN] Pop error level. Try to remove the error_reporting() function from your code.
Fri Jul 20 05:38:27 2018 [12872][1][DEPRECATED] Using row number in fetchByAssoc is not portable and no longer supported. Please fix your code.
Fri Jul 20 05:38:27 2018 [12872][1][WARN] Saving error level. Try to remove the error_reporting() function from your code.
Fri Jul 20 05:38:27 2018 [12872][1][WARN] Pop error level. Try to remove the error_reporting() function from your code.
Fri Jul 20 05:38:27 2018 [12872][1][WARN] Saving error level. Try to remove the error_reporting() function from your code.
Fri Jul 20 05:38:27 2018 [12872][1][WARN] Pop error level. Try to remove the error_reporting() function from your code.
Fri Jul 20 05:38:27 2018 [12872][1][WARN] Saving error level. Try to remove the error_reporting() function from your code.
Fri Jul 20 05:38:27 2018 [12872][1][WARN] Pop error level. Try to remove the error_reporting() function from your code.
Fri Jul 20 05:38:27 2018 [12872][1][WARN] Saving error level. Try to remove the error_reporting() function from your code.
Fri Jul 20 05:38:27 2018 [12872][1][WARN] Pop error level. Try to remove the error_reporting() function from your code.
Fri Jul 20 05:38:27 2018 [12872][1][WARN] Undefined data index ID for list view data.
Fri Jul 20 05:38:27 2018 [12872][1][WARN] Undefined data index ID for list view data.
Fri Jul 20 05:38:27 2018 [12872][1][WARN] Undefined data index ID for list view data.
Fri Jul 20 05:38:27 2018 [12872][1][WARN] Undefined data index ID for list view data.
Fri Jul 20 05:38:27 2018 [12872][1][WARN] Undefined data index ID for list view data.
Fri Jul 20 05:38:27 2018 [12872][1][WARN] Undefined data index ID for list view data.
Fri Jul 20 05:38:27 2018 [12872][1][WARN] Undefined data index ID for list view data.
Fri Jul 20 05:38:27 2018 [12872][1][WARN] Undefined data index ID for list view data.
Fri Jul 20 05:38:27 2018 [12872][1][WARN] Undefined data index ID for list view data.
Fri Jul 20 05:38:27 2018 [12872][1][WARN] Undefined data index ID for list view data.
Fri Jul 20 05:38:27 2018 [12872][1][WARN] Undefined data index ID for list view data.
Fri Jul 20 05:38:27 2018 [12872][1][WARN] Undefined data index ID for list view data.
Fri Jul 20 05:38:27 2018 [12872][1][WARN] Undefined data index ID for list view data.
Fri Jul 20 05:38:27 2018 [12872][1][WARN] Undefined data index ID for list view data.
Fri Jul 20 05:38:27 2018 [12872][1][WARN] Undefined data index ID for list view data.
Fri Jul 20 05:38:27 2018 [12872][1][WARN] Undefined data index ID for list view data.
Fri Jul 20 05:38:27 2018 [12872][1][WARN] Undefined data index ID for list view data.
Fri Jul 20 05:38:27 2018 [12872][1][WARN] Undefined data index ID for list view data.
Fri Jul 20 05:38:27 2018 [12872][1][WARN] Undefined data index ID for list view data.
Fri Jul 20 05:38:27 2018 [12872][1][WARN] Undefined data index ID for list view data.
Fri Jul 20 05:38:27 2018 [12872][1][WARN] Confirm Opt in is disabled in email settings
Fri Jul 20 05:38:27 2018 [12872][1][WARN] Confirm Opt in is disabled in email settings
Fri Jul 20 05:38:27 2018 [12872][1][WARN] Saving error level. Try to remove the error_reporting() function from your code.
Fri Jul 20 05:38:27 2018 [12872][1][WARN] Pop error level. Try to remove the error_reporting() function from your code.
Fri Jul 20 05:38:27 2018 [12872][1][WARN] Saving error level. Try to remove the error_reporting() function from your code.
Fri Jul 20 05:38:27 2018 [12872][1][WARN] Pop error level. Try to remove the error_reporting() function from your code.
Fri Jul 20 05:38:27 2018 [12872][1][WARN] Confirm Opt in is disabled in email settings
Fri Jul 20 05:38:27 2018 [12872][1][WARN] Confirm Opt in is disabled in email settings

You can ignore the error that appears more frequently, about “error_reporting”, it’s a false positive.

The other one concerns me a bit more, “Undefined data index ID for list view data”, which comes from here:

That one is related to List views. It seems to be something about “additional details”, which are that little “i” icon that appears at the end of each row, allowing you to hover your mouse and see some extra information.

The error appears 20 times, I assume your List views are showing 20 items as is set by default.

BUT I find this error in my logs also, once for every list view item displayed. And my pagination is working perfectly.

Please try a few Repairs from Admin / Repair, a QR & R and anything related to Javascript.

Also try from a different browser.

1 Like

Thanks for the suggestions.

I had also checked that all file permissions we accurate.

I never found the solution to this sadly. I had to restore from a previous AWS snapshot.

I have the same problem in Emails module. It never goes next page. v 7.10.7

This problem happened again for me too.

I think the fix is to open the filter, click Clear and then Search (without entering any search criteria).

This seemed to refresh the table and pagination worked again.

It’s worth nothing there were no active filters when pagination stopped working, but clearing the filter anyway did the job for me.

I’ve not found a cause - no javascript console errors or anything useful in the log that I could see.

This is in Google Chrome.

Thank you simong!!! That did the trick

Ok, so we know the workaround, but

Can any of you 2 guys make the error happen again? If so, we could dive in and see what’s going wrong, and create a proper fix for it.

It’s not easy
 I tried clicking in the filter and it happened once, but then I couldn’t reproduce anymore. Anyway, now is correct for one user. I have 9 more users with this problem. How can I dive into it?

I’ve not been able to replicate it on demand.

If/when it happens again, I’ll spend some time on it.

@3boptic we can try seeing what changes between the moment before the fix, and after the fix. This will show us which part of the data is corrupted.

In the database, which you can access through phpMyAdmin or similar, the table “user_preferences” contains several rows for that user (referenced in column “assigned_user_id”).

These rows have “category” column with values like “home” etc. I am not sure which category we’re looking for, but you can try seeing which one changes when you clear the filters, and then focus on that.

The “Content” column on that row contains the settings, Base64 encoded. you can look inside by putting the text here

This is probably the value that you need see the changes when you clear the filter.


User preference with pagination fault:

User preference once reset and working:

Setting it back to sort by "created_by_name"breaks pagination again.

Attempting to re-sort the table by another column doesn’t work - The filter must be cleared to get pagination working (at which point “created_by_name” is removed from the visible column list.

Displaying and sorting by either “created_by_name” or “name” column breaks it.

1 Like

Just seen this issue raised on the bug tracker.
Is this a good summary of the issue or unrelated?

That issue on GitHub is very poorly described and incomplete

I believe the information here is much more detailed and better. I suggest opening a new, clean ticket with the excellent troubleshooting work that was done here in this thread.

@simong_1984, can you take care of it, please?

BTW, exactly which is the “category” of the row in “user_preferences” where you saw this change? Thanks!

Good news and bad news. First, the bad one:

I have this problem in Email modules only. I don’t have any custom fields. I can’t seem to find any changes in user_preferences table. I looked in both categories “Emails” and “Emails2_EMAIL”.

The good news: I can replicate it. If I change the columns shown in “Column Selector”, the pagination will stop working. My optimal configuration is hiding the “Category” column and showing “Assigned to” column. Whenever I change this, the pagination stops working. If I go to the filter and press “Clean”, it will start working well again, but the Column “Assigned to” will be hidden and “Category” shown, which is not the configuration I need.

Also, when pagination is not working, ordering by any column except “Date of creation” won’t work either.

Thank you

I didn’t realize there was a “date_modified” field. The category where it is stored is “global”. These are the differences:


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a:55:{s:12:“mailmerge_on”;s:2:“on”;s:16:“swap_last_viewed”;s:0:"";s:14:“swap_shortcuts”;s:0:"";s:19:“navigation_paradigm”;s:2:“gm”;s:13:“subpanel_tabs”;s:0:"";s:14:“module_favicon”;s:0:"";s:9:“hide_tabs”;a:0:{}s:11:“remove_tabs”;a:0:{}s:7:“no_opps”;s:3:“off”;s:13:“reminder_time”;s:4:“1800”;s:19:“email_reminder_time”;s:4:“3600”;s:16:“reminder_checked”;s:1:“1”;s:22:“email_reminder_checked”;s:1:“0”;s:8:“timezone”;s:17:“America/Sao_Paulo”;s:2:“ut”;s:1:“1”;s:8:“currency”;s:3:"-99";s:35:“default_currency_significant_digits”;s:1:“2”;s:11:“num_grp_sep”;s:1:",";s:7:“dec_sep”;s:1:".";s:4:“fdow”;s:1:“0”;s:5:“datef”;s:5:“d/m/Y”;s:5:“timef”;s:3:“H:i”;s:26:“default_locale_name_format”;s:5:“s f l”;s:16:“export_delimiter”;s:1:",";s:22:“default_export_charset”;s:5:“UTF-8”;s:14:“use_real_names”;s:2:“on”;s:17:“mail_smtpauth_req”;s:0:"";s:12:“mail_smtpssl”;i:0;s:15:“email_link_type”;s:5:“sugar”;s:11:“editor_type”;s:6:“mozaik”;s:17:“email_show_counts”;i:0;s:20:“calendar_publish_key”;s:0:"";s:8:“subtheme”;s:4:“Dawn”;s:15:“loginexpiration”;s:1:“0”;s:7:“lockout”;s:0:"";s:11:“loginfailed”;s:1:“0”;s:10:“user_theme”;s:6:“SuiteP”;s:19:“theme_current_group”;s:4:“Todo”;s:7:“EmailsQ”;a:19:{s:6:“module”;s:6:“Emails”;s:6:“action”;s:5:“index”;s:13:“searchFormTab”;s:15:“advanced_search”;s:5:“query”;s:4:“true”;s:22:“imap_keywords_advanced”;s:0:"";s:23:“from_addr_name_advanced”;s:0:"";s:23:“to_addrs_names_advanced”;s:0:"";s:13:“name_advanced”;s:0:"";s:20:“description_advanced”;s:0:"";s:20:“parent_type_advanced”;s:0:"";s:20:“parent_name_advanced”;s:0:"";s:9:“parent_id”;s:0:"";s:17:“saved_search_name”;s:0:"";s:13:“search_module”;s:0:"";s:19:“saved_search_action”;s:0:"";s:14:“displayColumns”;s:0:"";s:8:“hideTabs”;s:29:“HAS_ATTACHMENT|TO_ADDRS_NAMES”;s:7:“orderBy”;s:14:“FROM_ADDR_NAME”;s:6:“button”;s:9:“BĂșsqueda”;}s:34:“InboundEmail_InboundEmail_ORDER_BY”;s:12:“date_entered”;s:9:“ContactsQ”;a:1:{s:13:“searchFormTab”;s:12:“basic_search”;}s:17:“signature_default”;s:36:“371f9140-75cb-ef9d-d860-5af2ffbfcd2d”;s:17:“signature_prepend”;b:0;s:12:“globalSearch”;a:7:{s:8:“Accounts”;s:7:“Account”;s:5:“Calls”;s:4:“Call”;s:5:“Cases”;s:5:“aCase”;s:8:“Contacts”;s:7:“Contact”;s:9:“Documents”;s:8:“Document”;s:5:“Notes”;s:4:“Note”;s:13:“Opportunities”;s:11:“Opportunity”;}s:11:“AOS_QuotesQ”;a:1:{s:13:“searchFormTab”;s:12:“basic_search”;}s:6:“UsersQ”;a:1:{s:13:“searchFormTab”;s:15:“advanced_search”;}s:10:“EmployeesQ”;a:4:{s:6:“module”;s:9:“Employees”;s:6:“action”;s:5:“index”;s:5:“query”;s:4:“true”;s:13:“searchFormTab”;s:12:“basic_search”;}s:18:“AOS_PDF_TemplatesQ”;a:1:{s:13:“searchFormTab”;s:12:“basic_search”;}s:6:“TasksQ”;a:1:{s:13:“searchFormTab”;s:12:“basic_search”;}s:20:“sort_modules_by_name”;s:0:"";s:6:“CallsQ”;a:1:{s:13:“searchFormTab”;s:15:“advanced_search”;}s:15:“EmailTemplatesQ”;a:1:{s:13:“searchFormTab”;s:12:“basic_search”;}s:12:“AOR_ReportsQ”;a:1:{s:13:“searchFormTab”;s:12:“basic_search”;}s:13:“AOS_ProductsQ”;a:1:{s:13:“searchFormTab”;s:15:“advanced_search”;}s:9:“AccountsQ”;a:1:{s:13:“searchFormTab”;s:12:“basic_search”;}}

1 Like

@simong_1984 is the category where you saw the change also “Global”? The bit you posted with the different orderBy setting doesn’t seem to match what @3boptic is posting now :huh:

No, the category I posted was for “Opportunities2_OPPORTUNITY”. I didn’t spot that ‘global’ was getting updated too.

I’ll submit a new Github ticket with all the info from this thread.