8.2.4 Logout impossible


I have installed version 8.2.4. an there is a issue with the logout.
With the Firefox browser 112 it is impossible to logout. I have to delete the session cookies to log out.

Hi, welcome to the Community! :tada:

Maybe something is wrong with your installation? I just tried logging out, on Firefox 112, from the online demo, and it worked well.

Try it → https://suite8demo.suiteondemand.com/

User: will
Pass: will

Hi pgr,

Thank you for your quick reply.
What do you recommend?
Can I overwrite the files in /public?


Sorry, I don’t see the connection between your last message and the previous conversation.

Can you log out using the demo? Do the top menus in the demo look the same as in your installation?

If not, double-check all the steps in the installation instructions.

Hi, I did check it with the demo and I was able to logout there. So the issue is not with my browser.
The top menus of the demo look the same as in my installation.
I did check and adjust the directory and files rights as it is written in the installation instructions. But it dose not help.

Do you see any relevant messages at the time of the logout attempts, on any of the two logs?

There is always the same error message:

Mon Apr 17 10:36:26 2023 [2745052][1][FATAL] Mysqli_query failed.
Mon Apr 17 10:36:26 2023 [2745052][1][FATAL] Query Failed: SELECT favorites.*
FROM favorites
JOIN config ON ( config.id = favorites.parent_id )
WHERE favorites.assigned_user_id = ‘1’
AND favorites.parent_type = ‘Administration’
AND favorites.deleted = 0
AND config.deleted = 0
ORDER BY favorites.date_entered DESC LIMIT 0,10: MySQL error 1054: Unknown column ‘config.deleted’ in ‘where clause’

Does this change make that error disappear?

Sorry, no. This code did not change anything. Should I remove it again?

That is very strange. You mean that you have new messages with those errors, in the logs, after the code change? Are you sure you’re not just seeing messages that were there before?

It it’s still happening, I would need a full stack trace of the error so I can go and search for the code producing it…

Now I receive a new error message “Error occurred while fetching metadata”.
I think something did went wrong during the installation. Is it possible to restate the installation process?

I got same problem after 8.2.4 installation. Submitted a ticket at Logout doesn't work · Issue #10019 · salesagility/SuiteCRM · GitHub

I think that if you change the value of installer_locked in config.php, you can run the installer again.

@pgr this doesn’t seem to be solution to Logout issue.

@vladaman you are a developer, right?

Do you also get the same FATAL? Can you get me a full stack trace of that error, please?

New installation doesn’t hep. I receive the same log entry:

Mon Apr 17 10:36:26 2023 [2745052][1][FATAL] Mysqli_query failed.
Mon Apr 17 10:36:26 2023 [2745052][1][FATAL] Query Failed: SELECT favorites.*
FROM favorites
JOIN config ON ( config.id = favorites.parent_id )
WHERE favorites.assigned_user_id = ‘1’
AND favorites.parent_type = ‘Administration’
AND favorites.deleted = 0
AND config.deleted = 0
ORDER BY favorites.date_entered DESC LIMIT 0,10: MySQL error 1054: Unknown column ‘config.deleted’ in ‘where clause’

Timestamps are important. Does that error appear at the same moment when you’re trying to log out?

Can suitecrm write to the session.save_path directory? Check how it’s defined in Admin / Diagnostics / phpinfo.

I checked it. The error appears when I click on the “Admin” menu entry. When I try to logout, I cant find any log entry.

Don’t forget the other question about session.save_path.

And what about errors in the browser’s developer console? Do you see any?

I did set now the session .save_path to /var/sessions an I can see all the sessions there like: sess_XXXX

After login I can see now the Header with the menu and in the body again the login form. When I login the second time, I see the dashboard.

When I try to get to the admin area I receive an error message “Unexpected error when calling action”

In the suitecrm.log is no error anymore.

After each click I have to login again.

Browser dev. console says:
Unsatisfied version 0 of shared singleton module luxon (required =3.0.0)
The “PHPSESSID” cookie was rejected because it has already expired.
The “LEGACYSESSID” cookie was rejected because it has already expired.
And after login:
Some cookies incorrectly use the recommended “SameSite” attribute.
This page uses the non-standard “zoom” property. Instead, calc() should be used in the appropriate property values or “transform” together with “transform-origin: 0 0”.
And after the first click:
The “loginErrorMessage” cookie was rejected because it has already expired.
This page uses the non-standard “zoom” property. Instead, calc() should be used in the appropriate property values or “transform” together with “transform-origin: 0 0”.