Zuckerreports 2.x search download link

please can everybody help me ?

I search the download Link for :

Zuck­er­Re­ports 2.03 module.zip
ZuckerReports2 DemoPack.zip
Zuck­er­Re­ports Jasper 4.0.0 mod­ule corrected.zip

I have found:
forward => http://sugarcrm.github.io/SugarCE-Add-ons/

But :frowning:


Thanks a lot


Zucker isn’t supported anymore, but good luck.
I downloaded a lot from the site before it changed it’s format and trying to find a good way to post on github or somewhere.
For now here is a link Zucker

Another report module is Alineasol Reports module.

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I’m so :frowning: ZuckerReport is dead

But, the Link goes and i have the package. :wink:


Just to say thank you for the link. ZR project is dead, but the code is still good.

This links is no longer working. Can anybody please post a link for downloading Zucker2?