ZIP support not found: SuiteCRM needs ZIP support in order to process compressed files

I am installing SuiteCRM7 on Windows 10 and I get this message ZIP support not found: SuiteCRM needs ZIP support in order to process compressed files. how do I fix this?

Hi, welcome to the community! :tada:

You need to install and enable a PHP module that handles zips.

The way to do this depends on where and how your CRM is hosted. It could be checkboxes in a hosting dashboard, or Linux commands such as these:

apt install zip unzip php-mbstring php7.3-mbstring php-gettext php7.3-xml php7.3-zip php7.3-imap php7.3-gd php7.3-curl php7.3-intl php7.3-mysql php-gd phpmyadmin

That’s what I’d use for PHP 7.3, you’d have to adapt to your needs and your PHP version.

I am running on Windows 10 with xampp

I have php 8.2 installed

Stay inside the matrix, neo

PHP 8.2 won’t work.

You can look online for how to install modules in XAMPP.

Will check thanx - wamp work