zendesk integration

Is this doable?

Zendesk for SugarCRM is an application that a SugarCRM administrator installs in the SugarCRM application. It contains a Zendesk module that will give access to Zendesk tickets in SugarCRM and display key SugarCRM fields in the Zendesk user profiles.

See instructions below:

Hi visibilityone,

SuiteCRM 7.0.1 is built upon SugarCRM 6.5.16, with no core changes. This means that most(some third part modules may not work correctly) modules compatible with SugarCRM, will work with SuiteCRM.



Thanks! Btw, i am trying to install it on my VPS server and I am using DSO as a PHP handler. Do I need to change it to suphp or fastcgi to be able to use suitecrm?

Hi There - how did the integration end up working out for you. Our Admin tried to install and received the following message: β€œThe uploaded file is not compatible with this version of SuiteCRM: 6.5.16”… Any ideas.

This is what we tried to install: https://support.zendesk.com/entries/20098557-Zendesk-for-SugarCRM-Getting-Started

Hi there,

Have you checked the zendesk integration works with SugarCRM 6.5.16/SuiteCRM 7.0.1?

