I’m trying to use the V8 Api with SuiteCRM 8. So far so good. I can get my access token, I can query a list of cases, but when I try to use a relationship query, nothing seems to work.
I’m doing this:
GET{suitecrm URL}/Api/V8/module/Contacts/128183a9-404c-77e7-b0bb-67858ddbe917/relationships/cases
The documentation says:
GET {{suitecrm.url}}/Api/V8/module/{moduleName}/{id}/relationships/{linkFieldName}
The example given is this:
Is anyone using the V8 API to fetch related records? Am I missing something?
I’m thinking it can only grab one to many relationship and not a many to many relationship. There is no {linkFieldName} in a many to many. Is this even supported or do I have to query it differently?
Hi Paul,
'example.com/legacy/Api/V8/module/Accounts/' . $accountId . '/relationships/relationship_name_1'
works for me.
The name of the relationship was key for me. It’s the link name showing in a file, I am certain I’ve read this somewhere in the docs or similar but I’m not able to find it anymore just now.
As for the many to many:
Did you build this out via a mapping module?
For a direct many to many without mapping module, I haven’t found an example in my code here.
Thanks @BastianHammer I couldn’t find any examples either. Im thinking its not possible. Im trying to build a WordPress plugin and I was hoping to built it 100% on the wp side. I guess I could build a custom endpoint in SuiteCRM but I was hoping I didn’t have to do that. You would think the stock API should be able to handle this.
Ok this one was a “PICNIC” problem = “Problem in Chair Not in Computer”
I was connected one dev SuiteCRM for testing the code and a different one for testing Postman!!!
When I finally realized this it works as expected. It is wierd that the token submitted was for a different installation. I would have thought I should have got returned “not authorized” rather than a 400, but I got it working.
https://{my istall directory and tld}/Api/V8/module/Contacts/4199f8ef-7a55-08fe-8834-6675828537b4/relationships/cases
It returns a list of cases Contact is associated with.