Workflows: do they work on all new cases?


I am having some troubles with the workflows.
I don’t see them running on all new cases as I would expect.

I have three workflows that all do the same thing:

  1. module: cases, status: active, repeated runs is unchecked, run on: new records
    2.1) condition 1: case field product is undefined (aka: the default value)
    2.2) condition 2: Conctacts:Contacts (the contact that requested the case) field product_one is checked
  2. action modify record, set cases field product to value product_one

From looking at my incoming cases, I see that most of them (a dozen a day) are not touched by any of those 3 workflows.

Some of them are and are listed in the “process audit” section of the workflow.

How do I debug what is happening?

All three workflows are going to trigger on all cases, right? or do the fact that a case gets modified means that the case is no longer a “new records”?

Hi Ged,

Yes you are correct they are no longer new cases once they have been modifed, have you tried setting your workflow to all records instead of new records.
