so i’m trying to create a workflow that makes a project that uses a project-template when an opportunity is created but if create the opportunity it gives me a blank screen and after i reload the page it creates a project with nothing populating the project.
the blank screen only happens on the live version, the local version gives me an http error 500 which is triggered by the workflow.
the suitecrm.log produces the following error: SugarPHPMailer encountered an error: invalid address.
edit:i have tried a different workflow that doesn’t produce an error but it still doesn’t populate the project with the required fields (name, date, tasks, etc…)
I’ve given it a try with the conditions you’ve posted, but it seems to be creating/populating the Project when an Opportunity is created
After you create an Opportunity, can you confirm that the Workflow is being run?
(Ie: in the Workflow’s “Process Audit” panel, a new item would be added)
Also, Can you confirm if the Project record gets populated with information, if the workflow runs AFTER the creation of the Opportunity?
(ie, using a condition like:
and then re-saving the record after creation)
It may also be worth disabling any other workflows or logic hooks around Opportunities/Projects, if any exist, to check if there are conflicts
i tried doing what you suggested by changing the condition manually, however it produces the same result. I tried doing it on a fresh install with no other workflows and got the same thing.
I also have a suspicion that it is a fault in the install itself, is there a way to test the website (something like an online demo) so i can make sure?
The Process Audit items shouldn’t still say running, that would imply to me that they’re stuck somewhere down the line
I’ve noticed, more often than not, it’ll be due to emails
(which would make sense as you mentioned an “invalid address” error above)
Does the workflow have any sort of “Send Email” action as part of it by chance?
(Or another workflow that has a Send Email action that could run on the same records?)
It may also be worth double checking your CRM’s Email Settings, confirming that Email can be sent from the CRM.
In terms of a demo, I believe there is a SuiteCRM demo available here:
we got a new fresh installation, and the workflow is working fine. as for the previous one there aren’t any send email functions that where active (at least non that i know of) and i sent a test email which was working fine also. I’ll give you an update if we find out what was causing the error.
so it turns out that the resources are essential for the workflow to notify each user about the project and tasks … is there any way you can think of to do that?
hmmm, I imagine it’ll be difficult to cleanly remove Resources as it will be used heavily across the CRM, including many modules
(ie: Meetings/Calls/Tasks/Calendar/Projects/Users/etc)
Did you want to remove it from just the Email templates?
Or remove it from the CRM in general?
Also, just to clarify, if you replicate the exact Workflows/Project setup on the new install, does everything work as expected?
( Workflow Process Log completing / Emails sent / Scheduled Job Log items showing as "Done")