Workflow stops running and stops at running stat

workflow schedular stays in running stat and never executes for next run.
We have correctly configured schedular and cron file.
Could you please provide proper solution for it ?

Thank You.

check this post

best regards

I have follwed steps given in post, But still issue is same,

From where I can identify whoch workflow is creating issue ? Due to which error it stays in running stat forever.

Is there any table that track list of process which need to be do at the time of workflow execution ?

I have already checked log file and there is nothing in it which can cause this issue.

Please provide assistance,

were they ever working? how dis you setup your cron?

best regards

Yes they were working .

Even I have set one workflow which was sending mail at every minutes.

I have removed that workflow.

Currently it starts run but never endup with done.