Wich option can i use for create an automation reminders after create an Meeting
The reminder always will send to users notification
Wich option can i use for create an automation reminders after create an Meeting
The reminder always will send to users notification
What sort of reminder are you looking to have?
Meetings/Calls has a “Reminder” field that lets you set either an Email or Popup notification reminder, at set times before the Meeting/Call:
If there is something else you’d like to achieve, you might be able to use Workflow, depending on what you’d like to do
ie: The following condition would fire a workflow When Today is 1 week before a Meeting’s Start date
Then you could set an Action to send Emails to set users (or whichever action you’d like)
Thank you, i try to do it the same thing but automatically (after create a meeting)
This is my current solution in a logic hook
class Register_Reminder
public function createMeetingReiminder( $bean, $event, $arguments )
if($bean->fetched_row == false && count($bean->contacts_arr) )
$this->registerReminders( $bean );
private function registerReminders( $bean )
$invitesData = $remindersData = Array();
foreach ($bean->contacts_arr as $contactId) {
$invitesData[] = Array(
'id' => '',
'module' => 'Contacts',
'module_id' => $contactId
$remindersData[] = Array(
'popup' => 0,
'email' => true,
'timer_popup' => '1800',
'timer_email' => '86400',
'related_event_module' => 'Meetings',
'related_event_module_id' => $bean->id,
'invitees' => $invitesData
//hack to CREATE reminders data
$_REQUEST['reminders_data'] = htmlentities( json_encode( $remindersData ), ENT_QUOTES, "UTF-8" );
return true;