WorkFlow not triggering on custom module


I have been struggling with this problem for a while now and can’t seem to figure it out by myself. I kindly ask for your help.

We are running SuiteCRM Version 7.5.3, Sugar Version 6.5.23 (Build 1061).

We’ve created a Workflow which adds a value to a record when due date is today.

In Scheduler we’ve set up a job for all the Workflows (function::processAOW_Workflow) to run as often as possible and the log shows they run every minute.

The Workflow runs OK when a record is manually changed (saved), I just cannot seem to get it to run “Always”.

Tried repairing (Administrator -> Sistem -> Repair), rebuilding database, changing the Wokflow settings to “Run : Always”, “Run: Only on scheduler” and then back again. No luck.

Looking forward to any suggestions on how to go about this problem.

Kind regards from Slovenia.