Workflow: New Accounts Subscription to Target List


I have 4 newsletters, each one for one different kind of Accounts, and each one has two versions (one in Language01, and other on Language02). I am trying to get SuiteCRM to add the new accounts to one targetlist automatically after creating it, as adding items to Target List is very cumbersome

To achieve this, I am using 2 conditions in the workflow:
1- Account> Type> Equal To> Value> Item from dropdown
2- Account> Billing Country> Contains> Value> Country01

This works perfectly, but the problem I have is that Language01 includes 20 countries and Language02 includes 40 countries. I was hoping to be able to use the Contains> Value option to be able to introduce different countries in one option (separated by commas, spaces, or whatever) and the system recognizing one of them. But when I try it, it seems that “contains” is set to configure all in the value, not only a part of it.

Does this means that I have to create a different workflow for each Country individually? I hope you can advise me a better solution, as otherwise I will have to create 80x4 workflows (and x2 as later I also want to do the same for Contacts)


Lang01: 20 countries
Lang02: 60 countries

Cond01 -> Account> Type> Equal To> Value> Item from dropdown
Cond02 -> Account> Billing Country> Contains> Value> Country01, Country02, Country03, …

To avoid creating so many Workflows, you could try doing the preliminary work in a custom field, doing the country evaluation and saving just the newsletter type.

To do the evaluation you could use a Workflow with calculated fields, but for such large numbers I fear the syntax will be too obnoxious. A simple logic_hook would do it much more cleanly.

You can also opt for more advanced calculated fields such as Power Fields - this would allow a simpler expression (if country in ['United States", "United Kingdom", "Australia", ...]).

This looks very useful! I will have a look on to it.
