I’ve got workflows working by creating a simple one that sends an email after a lead record status is changed.
What I want to do now is to add a calendar reminder after a # of days to contact the lead again.
- From: Leads->Persons Record->Activities->Select: Compose Email
- Create an email from a template,
- click on send
A dated task (14 days in the future) is added to the lead’s record “Activities” section that also appears on the calendar
I’ve been working with
Workflow Module set to “Emails”
Run Always
Run on All Records
Emails/Email Status/Equal To/Value/Sent
Create Record
Start Date/Date/Now+14 Days
Subject/value/Do this
I tried to add a relationship but it doesn’t seem to work.
How would one do this? I think it would be a pretty useful workflow in general.