workflow: email a security group?

In my sugar pro, I could have a workflow alert by email a “team”.

In suiteCRM, I’ve found how to email directly either a user,
or by listing a direct email address.
But I could not find how can I email all the users of a particular security group.

How can I email all the users of a particular security group?


This is not currently native functionality of workflow but emailing groups is planned for future releases.



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Thanks Will,

Meanwhile, here is attached a quick-n-dirty perl script that
provided that you run on a unix host, and that you have SU privileges on it,
will edit the system to create email aliases based on security groups.

All the members of a security group are converted into an email alias in /etc/aliases
with the name of the security group prefixed by “Sugar.”

Hope that helps

Hi Will,
About planned for future releases. It will integrate in suitecrm version 7.2?
I really hope this thing!

Hi there,

This is now available in SuiteCRM 7.1.x. Please see the full list of features here.



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