Workflow - Creating New Contact from Case Only Once


I have got as far as:

Workflow Module - Cases
Run On - New Records
Run Always
Repeated Runs Unticked.

Actions - 1 Create Contact Create Record.

I’m just wondering how to stop this running for the same end user every time they create a case please? I presume this is a condition but I could not work it out.


Use an auxiliary field to mark it as processed.


Workflow Module - Cases
Run On - New Records
Run Always
Repeated Runs Unticked.

Conditions: “Processed” field is false

Actions - 1 Create Contact Create Record.
Actions - 2 Set processed field to true

For that “processed” field, you can simply re-purpose an existing field that you are sure you’re not going to use for any other purpose, or you can create a new custom field and use that.

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