Workflow Convert Opportunity to Project

Hi all

I have succesfully make a workflow that converts won opportunities to new projects. Iā€™ve managed to carry forward all the fields except for ā€˜contactā€™ explained further below.

There is no option to map the contact field in the workflow, has any one any ideas?



The contact or contact(s) related to the Opportunity is not a field, its a relationship. If you want to carry the contacts related to the opportunity over to project you have to map the relationship. I donā€™t think you can do this through workflow. Iā€™ve always written a before save hook to map the contacts over. If you had a field in Opps like ā€œmain contactā€ and wanted to carry that over to Projects you could. Really what you want to do is write a hook that loops through the relationships of the Opportunity and then copies them over to the relationships of the project. ( think anyway unless someone has a better idea).


Thank you for your reply. I thoughtthat might be the case, I made the relationship but it doesnā€™t want to work. So I thought it might come down to a hook, unfortunately thats really not my field of expertise. Iā€™ll reach out to a dev I use and see what they can do.

Thank you


Hereā€™s what I use for my clients. Typically Iā€™m copying custom relationships over on convert. But this could be adapted to your situation. You could customize the ā€œifā€ condition for example to opportunity = won or somethingā€¦

In the example heā€™s copying over notes, but it could be modified to copy over contacts.

Hereā€™s how Iā€™ve used it for contacts:


Project: Relation Transfer
Original Dev: Angel MagaƱa, March 2012
@2012 Angel MagaƱa

Desc: Logic Hook for Transferring Relation

The contents of this file are governed by the GNU General Public License (GPL).
A copy of said license is available here:
This code is provided AS IS and WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND.

class DataTransfer
 function doDataTransfer($bean, $events, $arguments)
  $action  = $_REQUEST['action'];
  if ($action == 'ConvertLead') //Must confirm it only triggers on conversion!!
   $lead_id  = $bean->id;
   $contact_id = $bean->contact_id;
   //Remove relationship 
   $rcontacts = array();
   foreach ($bean->leads_contacts_1->getBeans() as $rcontact)
    $rcontact_id = $rcontact->id;
    $rcontacts[] = $rcontact_id;   
    $bean->leads_contacts_1->delete($lead_id, $rcontact_id);
   //Transfer relationship to Contact record
   $contact = new Contact();
   foreach ($rcontacts as $rcontact)


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Thatā€™s great thank you Iā€™ll have a go