Wizard doesn't respond

I have uploaded the zipfile of SuiteCRM 7.4 directly to BlueHost (my server) and extracted it. When I try to install the software by clicking on start, the wizard won’t respond. Please advice.


Ensure that you downloaded the correct package, the most recent version is 7.4.1 and can be obtained here: https://suitecrm.com/download

Ensure that the download completes with no issues. Also ensure that the .zip file extracts with no issues.

How are you accessing the install wizard page? Make sure you are accessing the extracted version and not via the .zip.

Are there any errors in your Browser’s console when this page appears?

Finally, what are the permissions on your instance? It is highly recommended to set the permissions on the instance before and after installing.

We usually recommend, after extracting the files, run these commands:
sudo chown -R : .
sudo chmod -R 755 .
sudo chmod -R 775 cache custom modules themes data upload config_override.php

make sure to replace and with the values for your Apache/IIS user & group

Thank you very much for your tim. IT’s very much appreciated. See my responses below:

Ensure that you downloaded the correct package, the most recent version is 7.4.1 and can be obtained here: suitecrm.com/download [color=#008800]-> I used that link[/color]

Ensure that the download completes with no issues. Also ensure that the .zip file extracts with no issues.[color=#008800]-> No issues[/color]

How are you accessing the install wizard page? Make sure you are accessing the extracted version and not via the .zip.[color=#008800]through the browser[/color]

Are there any errors in your Browser’s console when this page appears? [color=#008800]-> No, just no response at all[/color]

Finally, what are the permissions on your instance? It is highly recommended to set the permissions on the instance before and after installing.

We usually recommend, after extracting the files, run these commands: [color=#008800]-> The files are stored on the server of Blueshost. Where do I rund these commands and with which program (Mac OSX 10.11.1[/color]
sudo chown -R : .
sudo chmod -R 755 .
sudo chmod -R 775 cache custom modules themes data upload config_override.php

make sure to replace and with the values for your Apache/IIS user & group