Windows 10 - Issue with Crystal Reports and Excel Permission Issues after latest October 10 KB updates (SRN: 1401500529)

Hi everyone,

The recent October 10 Windows Update KB’s for Windows 10 has caused some incompatibility and permissions issues with Crystal Reports and Excel. For example, when using our CRM to access an excel-based Crystal Report, it would now start prompting me for a login.

Once I rolled back to a October 9th restore point, it solved the issue and it worked again.

Something in this KB-set has locked down and messed up the permissions with this, possible something with ODBC and excel permissions.

Microsoft SRN: 1401500529

Does anyone have any ideas on which KB specifically could have caused this? I had to roll back and disable windows updates all together, I’d rather not have to do that. Ideally, if this could be patched/resolved in future KBs that would be great.

Please let me know!
