Widget Declaration Warning

I upgraded to 7.7.1 and I was unable to edit my dashlets and now these warnings are displayed:

Warning: Declaration of SugarWidgetFieldVarchar::displayInput(&$layout_def) should be compatible with SugarWidgetField::displayInput($layout_def) in /home/starnet/public_html/sns/include/generic/SugarWidgets/SugarWidgetFieldvarchar.php on line 106

Warning: Declaration of SugarWidgetFieldName::queryFilterone_of($layout_def, $rename_columns = true) should be compatible with SugarWidgetFieldVarchar::queryFilterone_of(&$layout_def) in /home/starnet/public_html/sns/include/generic/SugarWidgets/SugarWidgetFieldname.php on line 46

Warning: Declaration of SugarWidgetFieldName::displayList(&$layout_def) should be compatible with SugarWidgetField::displayList($layout_def) in /home/starnet/public_html/sns/include/generic/SugarWidgets/SugarWidgetFieldname.php on line 46

Warning: Declaration of SugarWidgetFieldId::queryFilterIs(&$layout_def) should be compatible with SugarWidgetReportField::queryFilterIs($layout_def) in /home/starnet/public_html/sns/include/generic/SugarWidgets/SugarWidgetFieldid.php on line 51

I upgraded to 7.7.2 just now and I am able to edit the dashlets that are native however any modules that I created I am unable to edit the dashlets. The errors above still appear every time I go to my dashboard.

I am running Linux / PHP 7

I have reset all the permissions.

Thanks for any light you can shed on this.

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Have been testing this…there are still issues with the dashlets that are native, too. I continue to get the error " There was an error handling this request" when I try to edit the dashlets.