Why are unsolved bugs getting closed when there is active feedback and ongoing issues?
I follow this pretty closely and I don’t think that is happening.
Maybe you just saw that happened in one or specific cases, can you point to them so we can know what you mean?
One possibility that comes to my mind is that Github is not for personal bug solving or initial troubleshooting. I wouldn’t try to open a bug in Github before I spent some time here on the forums making sure it’s not just happening to me, and that it wasn’t just a matter of configuration, permissions,etc.
Hi pgr, thanks for the reply.
The bug which caused this post is one of several that have effectively ruined SuiteCRM as a viable tool. All e-mail functions are basically broken because any inbound or outbound attachment fails. Far worse, inbound attachments disable the scheduler so no other emails can be received without correcting tables in the database. New attachments arrive every few minutes or hours.
Of course I’ve been trying to solve this bug for months before reporting it. The report was closed 4 weeks ago.
My programming skills are very basic, however I do my best to contribute to SuiteCRM by providing as much supplementary information as possible to improve the code. I’d do more if there were calls to action.
We have now reopened your bug
Thanks Cameron. I’m glad to help with this. There seems to have been a few people affected based on previous threads.
majority of the time bugs are closed due to lack of activity, details or being valid but glad I could help