Where to add 'include' in detailviewdefs

For the life of me I cannot figure out how to add a file include (javascript file) into a detailviewdefs.php file.

I have literally added it to every possible location and I can’t get the file to load. I am putting it in the custom/modules/pro_Project/metadata/detailviewdefs.php file.

I am entering this:

'includes' => 

    array (

      0 => 

      array (

        'file' => 'custom/modules/pro_Project/js/detailMakeHidden.js',



Here is the file


$module_name = 'pro_Project';

$viewdefs [$module_name] = 

array (

  'DetailView' => 

  array (

    'templateMeta' => 

    array (

      'form' => 

      array (

        'buttons' => 

        array (

          0 => 'EDIT',

          1 => 'DUPLICATE',

          2 => 'DELETE',

          3 => 'FIND_DUPLICATES',



      'maxColumns' => '2',

      'widths' => 

      array (

        0 => 

        array (

          'label' => '10',

          'field' => '30',


        1 => 

        array (

          'label' => '10',

          'field' => '30',



      'includes' => 

      array (

        array (

          'file' => 'custom/modules/pro_Project/js/detailMakeHidden.js'



      'useTabs' => true,

      'tabDefs' => 

      array (

        'DEFAULT' => 

        array (

          'newTab' => true,

          'panelDefault' => 'expanded',



        array ( ........

Take a look here:

Hope it helps!

