I’m getting hit with this question many times a day on the new SuiteCRM Store and want to be able to point them the right way instead of just to the forums here. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Jason Eggers
The SuiteCRM Store
I’m getting hit with this question many times a day on the new SuiteCRM Store and want to be able to point them the right way instead of just to the forums here. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Jason Eggers
The SuiteCRM Store
Best regards
See also the FAQ:
Install a new language (TranslatingSuiteCRM) - https://sites.google.com/site/translatingsuitecrm/faq/install_language
Thanks. This is helpful. The links on SugarForge didn’t map nicely to this page.
Sugar forge as in SugarCRM?! This is for SuiteCRM!! :silly:
SourceForge is what I meant. I kept finding links and references to the Crowdin project, but never that specific page.
Jason, I’d never heard of this site, it looks cool. Is it simply a rebranding of www.sugaroutfitters.com or is there any other change?
Should we but add-ons for SuiteCRM exclusively from store.suitecrm.com, or is it the same if we buy from sugaroutfitters?
Should we create new user accounts on the new site, or will our accounts from SugarOutfitters work there?
Great questions. It is a completely different site with separate accounts. If you go to the Community link in the header here and then Extensions it goes to the new SuiteCRM Store (store.suitecrm.com). Your purchases from SugarOutfitters (SO) will continue to work there and you can continue to purchase from that site if you want. The SuiteCRM Store will alleviate any confusion on whether a given add-on works for SuiteCRM and we can now even let you know if it works for a specific version of SuiteCRM.
You would need a new account on the SuiteCRM Store to purchase or download anything. We are ramping up more add-ons every day and I expect SuiteCRM specific solutions to start existing only on this storefront. My suggestion is to look here first and then use SO if you cannot find what you are looking for yet.
This new store is a first big step. We have plans in the future to really expand upon just an external store and create a smoother, more integrated approach with SuiteCRM.
That sounds great!
I suggest integrating the subtitles packs there also, with direct links to download from the latest builds in Crowdin, e.g.:
IMHO, it makes sense for users to be able to get everything from one place, and from a place clearly branded as SuiteCRM. The Crowdin site would be frequented only by people contributing to the translations, not end-users.
horus68, I’d also like to hear what you think about this?
OK for me!
I’d like to find a way to do that. The alternative we were considering was to just start our own language packs to offer freely. It’s important to us that these be available to prospective SuiteCRM users on our site since they are coming to us specifically for that.
I don’t think splitting the topic makes sense here. It’s all very relevant to my original question.
I’m still confused by the crowdin site. Where are all the downloads?
Yes, it’s confusing, that’s why horus68 made very complete FAQs, linked above…
Direct links for Crowdin ZIP ( as in https://crowdin.com/download/project/suitecrmtranslations/pt-PT.zip ) was the way to go but its a feature removed by Crowdin… just today!
Now it only works for translators, not for visitors!
I asked for this feature to be reinstated and its under discussion.
Else we can use the API tool to download files but it will require the packs to be recreated in zip format…
It works like the main ZIP button on the main page but the way SuiteCRM requires the language pack is created makes this a mess!
You can
1- create single entries for each languafge
2- for the download link use a direct link to (e.g. https://crowdin.com/download/project/suitecrmtranslations/uk.zip)
Yes and I appreciate that, but I’m following the directions and have yet to find a zip file for any language to download as the FAQ says to do. Trying to figure out how we can map this on our site to make it easy to find and download. Perhaps I need to join the project first to be able to find a download link?
Got to love those new features! Hopefully those zip links work again soon. Otherwise, what if we went with GitHub and after translations are done on CrowdIn they get pulled into the git repo for each language? We can automate zipping and making it available/searchable on the store from there.
By the way, I think it is fantastic what you have done with your initiative.
A- I can send to you the zips but it would be outdated in one day (they get rebuild every days and sometimes more than a day If I found its necessary)
B- You can use the Crowdin API to download all files at once for all languages
I don’t think github would be useful for translations deploy but its your call
I’ll take a look at the API. Have you considered using a translation API to seed these translations beyond just defaulting to English? It could still be considered not translated yet, but helps with getting a little more translation coverage.
In the end, for a typical new prospective SuiteCRM user it needs to be as simple as logging into SuiteCRM and choosing to enable a language during the initial onboarding process. To get there we first need to make it easy to get a zip at any point and install it while having it as translated as possible out of the gate. Would be awesome if after installing it they can edit right within SuiteCRM and submit it as a possible translation edit.
On crowdin the lines are not translate are empty. When they are downloaded they get the english values. I think this is ok
We can create as many languages that are needed.
On the zip:
I could try to download using API and then making a pull request to github
Can you create a Github project just for translations (so it will also be an official github)
Note: it will not have english master files and will not have PR from users so the workflow would be:
This would be better to be done in a machine from the SuiteCRm project.
To use the API it requires a special code from me as each download rebuilds the project . Send me your email or PM
Actually we can not have files downloaded with the same folder structure from Crowndin individual ZIP or via API because the manifest.php file!
Now the individual zip gets the proper structure but I can setup the project in different way so the files from the API are in the proper places.