Where can I find the config.php file in the SuiteCRM Hosted Solution?

All in the title

Please :slight_smile:


Welcome to community!

The file is located in main SuiteCRM directory. If you want to change the settings, you should use the file ‘config_override.php’. You can look at the documentation - Config :: SuiteCRM Documentation .

Thanks, Mr Konetskiy

Can you tell me where is the main SuiteCRM Directory, please?
(I am using the SuiteCRM Hosted Solution)
Thank you for your time and work, I am sorry for the disturbance.

Kind regards


I don’t know your host configuration. The web directory for a unix host is usually ‘/var/www’ and there ‘html’ or something else name.

No problem, I’m happy to help if I can.

“SuiteCRM hosted” is the SalesAgility hosting plan, right?

Maybe @John can help?


Yeah, it certainly sounds like it should be our hosting plan!
Thanks for giving me a heads-up @pgr !

Hey @Bilal1 ,
If you are indeed hosted with us at SalesAgility;
I believe the CRM environments that we host typically don’t give file-level access like this.

If you need any changes to the files/folders, (or have any concerns/questions), I would recommend raising a case with the Support Team.

Please get in touch!
Or let me know if you need any assistance with contacting Support!

Thanks guys!

Thanks to you all for the responses, Mr. Konetskiy, Mr. Pgr and Mr. John.

Yeah I am hosted with you at SalesAgility.
I will get in contact with the Support Team.

Best regards.