Where a Document Stored


we have recently started using suiteCRM, were a telecommunications company and in our accounts we have been attaching the pdf contracts in the documents section.

We also store voice recording and were debating to upload these too but are worried about the file size and the potential risk of slowing down the system in the long run.

So just wanted to know if documents are stored in the database or ftped somewhere then just referenced? Obviously we want to avoid the database getting too big.



Files are usually stored in the /upload/ file directory of your CRM. However, they will be renamed to an ID that is randomly generated by the CRM, so if you want to find specific files you may need to find its ID in the Database in the “Documents” table.

Excellent thanks that pretty much means, uploading of docs shouldn’t slow down the performance of the CRM as its only adding a view lines of reference in the database.