When writing report on Contacts no email address option

I’m trying to write a report showing contacts email address

In the module tree you can select Email Addresses but no fields show

How can I fix this?

I am using version 7.7.8


would the query at the end of this blog post be sufficient for your needs?


You have to change “users” to “contacts” but it should get the job done.


I know how email addresses are stored but the report writer is not showing them for People

My suggestion was to use the query instead of the report, but I guess that doesn’t fit your needs.

As far as the possible bug is concerned, normally the next step would be for you to attempt reproducing it in the online demo to see if it is there in the latest version, and to rule out the possibility that this is only happening in your system.


user: will
pass: will

Testing now :slight_smile:

It’s weir works if I login as admin so I’m suspecting it’s an issue with roles

It is a bug

Logged in as will on 7.9.4

Same problem

Only works if you log in as admin

Good news: there an open issue with this, and suggests a workaround:


Please add your voice there, say you have the same problem, and whether the fix works for you. Thanks

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Thanks for that

Works like a dream :slight_smile:

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I resume this post cause I’m having the same issue. There’s no email address field in the report when I’m trying to make one from contacts module. I tried the fix but it still does not work.
Is there another workaround?

PS: I attach a screenshot of the issue
