When will be able to make new themes for 8.2?

What’s the roadmap looking for opening up the ability to modify and customize themes?

Quick tip: Chrome & Brave users can install “USER CSS” extension then modify the color’s CSS in Inspector and copy and paste the modify CSS into the extension for your CRM instance.

I’ve actually found a better CSS override extension.

I’ve basically copied HubSpot’s CSS.

It’s not exactly perfect, but it’s much better than that mauve and cyan soap default.

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Looks good.
Willing to share?
Thanks in advance

Sure, if you make improvements, post them back.

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Thanks I’ll give it a whirl.

By the way, do you remember a post from Greg a long while ago when he teased a new completely look for SuiteCRM which was touted for v8?

I can’t recall, all I know is that we need to have a proper way to compile scss to css to be able to manipulate and create our own themes. Personally, I’d like to have a theme customizer page in the backend where we can select colors easily, hit save and get on with our day.

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where do i paste this css code into?

I asked ChatGPT for you (since I didn’t really know either)… This could be totally false.


The last post in the conversation wasn’t answered (By Mikeh), what should we tell him? What are the steps to modifying CSS in a apache php web server running suiteCRM?


Hi Mikeh,

Sorry for the late reply. To modify the CSS in a apache php web server running suiteCRM, you have a few options:

  • You can edit the themes folder in your suiteCRM root directory, which contains the CSS files for each theme. You may need to change the ownership and permissions of this folder to allow your web server user to access it¹. For example:

sudo chown -R www-data:www-data themes

sudo chmod -R 775 themes

  • You can create a config_override.php file in your suiteCRM root directory, which allows you to override some of the configuration options in the config.php file³. You can use this file to add custom CSS code or link to external CSS files. For example:
$sugar_config['default_max_tabs'] = 10;
$sugar_config['default_theme'] = 'SuiteP';
$sugar_config['additional_css'] = '<style>.navbar-brand{color:red;}</style>';
  • You can use PHP to output a CSS file dynamically, which can allow you to change the CSS values based on some conditions or variables⁴. You need to set the correct header for the CSS file and echo the CSS code. For example:
header("Content-type: text/css; charset: UTF-8");
$color = "blue";
echo "body { background-color: $color; }";

I hope this helps. If you have any other questions, please let me know. :blush:

Source: Conversation with Bing, 8/6/2023

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@kyleb if you don’t know enough to evaluate the quality of the AI response, I don’t think it’s a good idea to post that here, even though I appreciate the fact that you made it explicit how you obtained the answer.

These answers tend to have a lot of content, and most of it quite misleading, because it’s made of half-truths - stuff that is somewhat correct, but not completely, and not really adjusted to SuiteCRM.

Every time I see these AI answers here I feel a motivation to stop answering forum threads, because this just confuses things more than necessary.

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In order to modify SuiteCRM 8.5 Theme, you should modify suitecrm_data/core/app/shell/src/themes/suite8/css/abstracts/_variables.scss
then run:

Install NodeJS
curl -fsSL https://deb.nodesource.com/setup_16.x | bash -
apt-get install -y nodejs

Install Angular CLI
npm install -g @angular/cli

Install Yarn
npm install -g yarn
yarn install
yarn run build:default

yarn run build:common
yarn run build:core
yarn run build:shell
php bin/console cache:clear

Repair and Rebuild, clear browser caché and Refresh :slight_smile:



“name”: “suitecrm”,
“version”: “8.5.1”,


yarn run build:default

i get:

error Command "build:default" not found.

That ‘default’ has changed to ‘defaultExt’ in the newer versions.

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Thanks for the suggestion @pgr .

It is not able to personalize them as in v7 but you can use us extension for customize all most element. If you interested please refer in the store SuiteCRM 8 theme editor

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