When we upgrade Suitecrm version from 8.2 to 8.6 then users recordview showing blank page
It could be file permissions and ownership issue.
Check combability matrix
Check if you have errors in console and also in suitecrm log files.
You can do Quick repair and reload
and also clear symfony cache.
I have done Quick repair and reload
and also clear symfony cache.
There is no error in console.
Error in suitecrm.log->FATAL] Exception in Controller: Unable to load template ‘file:modules/Users/tpls/DetailViewHeader.tpl’ in ‘themes/suite8/modules/Users/tpls/DetailView.tpl’
I remove themes folder from this directory-> public/legacy/cache/
nothing works for me can you please help me out asap.
Hope, this will work. Considering, you can use all other modules in your instance.
I did but still showing blank page. Nothing work for me
Is it issue with Users module? Maybe it is file permission and ownership issue.
Do not forgot to do QR&R & clear symfony cache.
Are you using linux to host your SuiteCRM?
My machine is linux. I have already QR&R & symfomy cache and gived all correct permission.
Check errors in the browser console and SuiteCRM log files.
There is no error in console.
Error in suitecrm.log->FATAL] Exception in Controller: Unable to load template ‘file:modules/Users/tpls/DetailViewHeader.tpl’ in ‘themes/suite8/modules/Users/tpls/DetailView.tpl’
Check files on GitHub and in your instance, if you don’t have them then add them.
All files there in my project.
Maybe you did not install PHP curl module.
This module is already installed
I uninstalled curl module and then reinstalled its worked user’s recordview.