When sorting in List View of Opportunities not keeping chosen columns

Module Opportunities => List View “all opportunities”.

1 User select thanks to “Column Chooser” the columns that wants to keep and the correct order.
2 User Save
3 User get the proper view

When User “Filter” for a normal search in the View …
the Choosen Column and the Order …disappear and comes back as it was before “step 1”

How can I solve it?

Please include your SuiteCRM version. The community will be able to help you better.



Thanks AlxGr for tips:
My SuiteCRM is

Version 7.11.8
Sugar Version 6.5.25 (Build 344)

Try on this demo. If it works there then you might need to upgrade to latest version.

If it doesn’t work there please open an issue on github :



An upgrade it means for our sys a lot of job … we have a lot of issue connected … I will try to do it local …but hope that is not necessary