when remove case, note parent_id become empty

Hi, can i know is this normal?
when remove case, note parent_id become empty.
If yes, can i know the reason?
If no, can i know how to change the deleted flag of the notes to 1?

Thanks in advance

This is standard functionality. If you wanted to delete the note when deleting the case, you would have to customise the CRM at a code level.

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Hi Will, thanks for the reply.
If there is a huge number of case with attachment removal, this will cause the case page to load very slow and sometime it show blank page if is loading too long.
This also because, when loading case page, it load the relationship for notes with blank parent_id:

SELECT id FROM notes WHERE notes.parent_id = β€˜β€™ AND notes.deleted=0 AND notes.parent_type = β€˜Cases’

Is this a bug?

Thanks in advance.