When creating a campaign goes blank


I am trying to create an email campaign but I cannot carry on once I reach the step TEMPLATES goes blank.

I have realized it works if add and ID missing in the URL

Original URL:




The problem is between https://suitecrm.theepicschool.com/index.php?return_module=Campaigns&module=Campaigns&action=WizardMarketing&campaign_id= AND &return_action=WizardNewsLetter&return_id=

Can you help me to make it work please?


Which version of MySQL are you running? Maybe you have this:


You can find about that in your logs. They’re the first place to look anyway… : - )

You are right. I have the last version :frowning:

I found the simplest solution to this problem, enter the studio, campaigns, fields.
Select the “End Date” field, in default value select ex, next monday.
Save, return to the campaign module and tend to create a new campaign.

This solved the problem, I’m using version 7.8.1.

Good luck.