What's the plugin here?

Hi, i found a nice login page here:

Do you know wich plugin are they using?

I saw in the source code a module callesd : WB_home but,…


Looks to me like a mix between some Custom work and this JQuery plugin: http://srobbin.com/jquery-plugins/backstretch/.

Although, If someone knows otherwise and can point to a Package that would implement a Login page like the one linked, then feel free to let us know.

There is a package that you could download on our Extensions page that has a similar functionality: https://suitecrm.com/community/suitecrm-extensions/science/92-biztech-consultancy

This package can be installed in the Admin > Module Loader page.
Make sure to run a Quick Repair and Rebuild after installing, if you decide to install a package.

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Thank you John for your fast reply :wink: