What is the correct way in suitecrm 7 to modify the list view of a module?

In suitecrm 7, in the list view of some modules I want to change the style of some rows so that, for example, the value of a field is demo highlight the row

I thought I could do it by injecting js but maybe I could also do it by modifying ListViewGeneric.tpl, the latter does not work, I try it in app/v2/suitecrm/include/ListView/ListViewGeneric.tpl

What is the correct way in suitecrm 7 to modify the list view of a module?

This is the most practical way, if you only need some field formatting

Formatting the entire row would be a lot more difficult, and I don’t know exactly how.

The problem with customizing that ListView class is that it is used in many places: list views, subpanels, dashlets, etc. So it is complex and tricky to change in a way that fits all uses.

Hello. Thank you very much for answering. I will see follow the guide

I have tried it and it works. But is it possible to highlight the row? Or maybe highlight all the cells in the row. Although I think you would look at the blank spaces that separate the columns

This has been asked often before, but I don’t think anybody had a good solution.

Basically, the logic hook makes this very simple, but there is no hook at row level, so everything really becomes a lot harder at row level.

One thing I sometimes thought I would like to try (but never did) is to try and inject some JS right there in one of the fields to change the styles on the parent. This way the code in the field could affect the row element.