Weirdness in Documents subpanel

Hi People,
Was in Opportunities and tried to upload document and it worked but i get this log dump on the screen. I tried reseting log level to fatal but it keeps appearing. Also did so in other modules.
Help…I’m doing a demo to executives next week…

Starts off like this:
Notice: Undefined property: Document::$file_ext occurred in /opt/bitnami/apps/suitecrm/htdocs/include/SugarObjects/templates/file/File.php on line 81 [2015-02-05 05:41:14] display_stack_trace caller, file: /opt/bitnami/apps/suitecrm/htdocs/include/utils.php line#: 3254

see attached for larger view.


Hi mrdinghy,

These look like you have the error logging for the server wrong. these errors are notices and should be turned off in the php.ini file.
