Website field default to https://


At next release can the field default to https:// instead of http:// now that the majority of sites have changed

Tried to find it in the Studio but think it is in the code that would get updated on next release


Exactly which field is this?


Accounts Website is the one I really needed but I suspect it is the URL field type?

I took a quick look and changed “http” to “https” in a few places in the code, but couldn’t get it to change in the Accounts Edit view… :dry:

Maybe you can simply open an issue on GitHub with this, it’s sounds like a good suggestion to me.


Was the plan in the end, just don’t want to appear a dope on there if I missed something


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We recently upgraded to 7.11.10 on LAMP and whenever a user edits a record and saves it, the blank custom URL fields magically get http:// in them. For Contacts we have 5 custom URL fields so the Change Log makes it look like they all were just changed by the same user at the same time.

We have not added anything to the Default Value in Studio field editor, and would like it to stay NULL or blank. Suggestions?