Webservice starts to crash after massive migration

Hello all,

We have started a massive migration into suiteCRM (for accounts and contacts) using the set_entries method. Suddenly the service starts to crash, not retriving data.

We have start to go through the logs and the code, and the processing is creashing somewher in the hook sections. The last execution is:

Mon Feb 12 12:11:14 2018 [4752][1][DEBUG] SugarBean[AOD_IndexEvent].load_relationships, Loading relationship (assigned_user_link).
Mon Feb 12 12:11:14 2018 [4752][1][DEBUG] process_full_list_query: query is SELECT aod_indexevent.* , jt0.user_name modified_by_name , jt0.created_by modified_by_name_owner , ‘Users’ modified_by_name_mod , jt1.user_name created_by_name , jt1.created_by created_by_name_owner , ‘Users’ created_by_name_mod , jt2.user_name assigned_user_name , jt2.created_by assigned_user_name_owner , ‘Users’ assigned_user_name_mod FROM aod_indexevent LEFT JOIN users jt0 ON aod_indexevent.modified_user_id=jt0.id AND jt0.deleted=0
AND jt0.deleted=0 LEFT JOIN users jt1 ON aod_indexevent.created_by=jt1.id AND jt1.deleted=0
AND jt1.deleted=0 LEFT JOIN users jt2 ON aod_indexevent.assigned_user_id=jt2.id AND jt2.deleted=0
AND jt2.deleted=0 where (aod_indexevent.record_id = ‘20b29ba6-8f4b-8206-fc68-5a8176f2b626’ AND aod_indexevent.record_module = ‘Contacts’) AND aod_indexevent.deleted=0
Mon Feb 12 12:11:14 2018 [4752][1][INFO] Query: SELECT aod_indexevent.* , jt0.user_name modified_by_name , jt0.created_by modified_by_name_owner , ‘Users’ modified_by_name_mod , jt1.user_name created_by_name , jt1.created_by created_by_name_owner , ‘Users’ created_by_name_mod , jt2.user_name assigned_user_name , jt2.created_by assigned_user_name_owner , ‘Users’ assigned_user_name_mod FROM aod_indexevent LEFT JOIN users jt0 ON aod_indexevent.modified_user_id=jt0.id AND jt0.deleted=0
AND jt0.deleted=0 LEFT JOIN users jt1 ON aod_indexevent.created_by=jt1.id AND jt1.deleted=0
AND jt1.deleted=0 LEFT JOIN users jt2 ON aod_indexevent.assigned_user_id=jt2.id AND jt2.deleted=0
AND jt2.deleted=0 where (aod_indexevent.record_id = ‘20b29ba6-8f4b-8206-fc68-5a8176f2b626’ AND aod_indexevent.record_module = ‘Contacts’) AND aod_indexevent.deleted=0
Mon Feb 12 12:11:14 2018 [4752][1][INFO] Query Execution Time:0.0095930099487305
Mon Feb 12 12:11:14 2018 [4752][1][DEBUG] process_full_list_query: result is mysqli_result Object
[current_field] => 0
[field_count] => 22
[lengths] =>
[num_rows] => 0
[type] => 0

Mon Feb 12 12:11:52 2018 [4752][1][DEBUG] Hook called: ::server_round_trip
Mon Feb 12 12:11:52 2018 [4752][1][DEBUG] Calling MySQLi::disconnect()
Mon Feb 12 12:11:52 2018 [4752][1][INFO] NusoapSoap->shutdown: service died unexpectedly

we are using SuiteCRM 7.9.8

I suspect that AOD is trying to index whilst you are mass importing.
I would suggest you switch off the AOD indexing for the time being until you have completed your importing and restart it when complete.

Hope that helps.

Hello Samus-aran,

thanks you for your help!! We can now recieve the IDs without the service to crash. But we still with roblems… now the insert no not save the information but we can see in the logs that the service recives the data.

So you are sending a load of info into the CRm i.e. Accounts etc.
Do you have any workflows on the SuiteCRM instance or is it a fresh instance?
You say you can see in the logs that you are receiving the call - is this in the SuiteCRM logs?
Are you able to give me an example of what you are sending?

Have you looked at your php error log to see if there are any PHP Fatals?

Hello Samus,

Sorry for the late response.

That ausence of the IDs were when we tried to call the service from SoapUI Whe the service is called from the core system it works perfectly.

Now I got other question.

Can AOD still disabled after migration or it must be activated? If we activate it again, will we get this kind of problems in the future? The webservices wil be called every day, every time a record is apdated.