Hello Guys. How to add Relate field in Contact Person Form?


Please ,Have a look on this plugin!


can you explain more detailed what you’re trying to do? I’m quite unsure what you actually mean.

In case you’re having a web2lead form on a third-party-page that creates leads within the crm, you’ll have to query the available items while loading the form page using the api.

When i’ll create new field LIKE DATE TYPE - RELATE in studio.

I went to the module campaign. then i create contact person form. I did not field it

haven’t used the web2lead form generator for a long time, always writing that small piece of code myself, therefore I might not know all of the features there.

but: I’m not surprised that you can’t add relate fields to a web2lead form using the generator. A relate field has to query all available objects within the database, a functionality that shouldn’t be exposed to a public website (i.e.: you do not want to have your accounts/contacts publicly visible).

I too believe: if you need functionality like that, preload the possible options using the api, display them as some form element and update the submit-request accordingly.

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Oh I see. Thanks for your reply.