Web Forms

Love the addition of the new web forms… to make it useful for me, I would enjoy seeing the following:

  1. Ability to have custom field labels on the web form… for example, perhaps the “Description” in the CRM could be named “Requested Information” or “Message” on the form? Just some way to map some custom names to certain fields.

  2. Ability to create a related task or call from a form submission. Perhaps we could already accomplish this with workflow, haven’t thought that much about it. But if someone fills out a form, it would be nice to be able to create a task to follow up on that form submission and assign it to someone.

  3. Another cool thing, although I wouldn’t need it today since I don’t do enewsletters from SuiteCRM, would be the ability for form submitters to select newsletters they would like to subcribe to. When setting up the form, the configurer should be able to designate which campaigns are available/exposed.


1) Ability to have custom field labels on the web form… for example, perhaps the “Description” in the CRM could be named “Requested Information” or “Message” on the form? Just some way to map some custom names to certain fields.

You are able to edit the webform and all field labels before you click Generate Webform?

2) Ability to create a related task or call from a form submission. Perhaps we could already accomplish this with workflow, haven’t thought that much about it. But if someone fills out a form, it would be nice to be able to create a task to follow up on that form submission and assign it to someone.

One way we have used Workflow is
Condition =
Lead > Campaign = Contact Us
Create Task etc

3) Another cool thing, although I wouldn’t need it today since I don’t do enewsletters from SuiteCRM, would be the ability for form submitters to select newsletters they would like to subcribe to. When setting up the form, the configurer should be able to designate which campaigns are available/exposed.

I think this is a really good idea for “Newsletter” webforms if you are an organisation that has more then one Newsletter / target audience etc

Thanks again