Warning cache templates

Hello everyone,

today IĀ“ve installed the SuiteCRM version 8.2.4 on xampp localhost.

Unfortunately only warnings like the following are displayed.

Warning: Undefined array key ā€œboldā€ in C:\xampp\htdocs\suitecrm_824\public\legacy\cache\smarty\templates_c%%39^397^3972EF2B%%DashletGenericDisplay.tpl.php on line 23

Does anyone know how I can fix this issue?

I would be very apreciate if someone could help :slight_smile:

Regards Tim

Hi, welcome to the Community! :tada:

Check that your PHP Version is inside the Matrix:

And in your php.ini you should turn off ā€œdisplay_errorsā€ and restart web server.

Then you must keep an eye on your two logs

Thank you for the response.

IĀ“ve already checked the PHP Version. This is up to date.

Sorry for that question but in which part of the directory can I find the php.ini file?
For whatever reason I canĀ“t find it.

Delete this file. It is a cached file, so it will be recreated. Then we can see if the error persists.

To find the php.ini (and to be sure it is the correct one because there can be many), I suggest going to Admin / Diagnostics and downloading phpinfo, it contains the full path.