View the "description" field in the subpanels "Activities" and "History" = time saving


As an improvement I would suggest to allow adding the “description” field in the “Activity” and “History” sub panels This could be done from the “studio”, like for other subpanels.

Why ?
This suggestion is related to the way notes taken after an action (a call in my case) can be accessed in a more “time effective” manner when you are on a given contact form, or on the opportunity form.

As of today, when you are on a contact’s page, the best way (this is my opinion, and please share your ideas/suggestions) to have an overview of your notes “at a glance” is to write the call summary in the “description” field of the contact ( not the description field of the call itself). Doing this, when you open the contact’s page you can read ALL your notes without clicking through the items in the “history” field (past calls, meetings, …). The consequence of this method is that you must store all the contact’s history in his description field.
This seems archaic to me, because I suppose that the best way would be to write the call summary in the description field of the call itself, but if you do so, you will then have to click in each and every history record (past calls, meetings, …) in order to have an overview of the customers history in order to prepare a call for example. When you prepare to call 10 or 20 customers in a row for a sales session, it would be better to have all the contact’s history in front of you on the screen + the information would also be available when you open the “opportunity” as well.

Note : the description field can sometimes be long, it could be possible to limit to 15 lines in the sub panel view for example, or ideally have a sort of expandable field.

This feature could be interesting for many users and could improve the users experience/effciency by reducing the number of clicks needed to get the information.


There is already ‘View Summary’ button in the History panel: which pops up a page that shows Description fields too, fo all the historic activities.
It exists on the Contact page, and Opportunities, and Account page.

I think using that will solve all your problems!

User then after a call simply:

  • in the Subject of the call -type in the short overview ‘eg the boss wants to buy the green one not blue’

  • in the description: the bulk details

  • ie NO need to seperately edit the Contact at all.

After that: users looking at the Contact (or the Opportunity) see in the History sub-panel, in each row the Subject field with it;s brief summary

And when they want the full details of everything: click ‘View Summary’ and get 100% including the Descripton box for ALL past activities, in the one pop-up box.

By the way : the approach you mention

when you are on a contact’s page, … to have an overview of your notes “at a glance” is to write the call summary in the “description” field of the contact ( not the description field of the call itself).

Is not optimal: because it mixes two totally seperate things:

  • the Contact record - info about the Contact them self. ( ie not time-based data)
  • Activities records (calls/meetings…) info about time-based activities.

If you put time-based data into the Contacts own Description field: it will over a year or two become HUGE: and unusable!

Leave Call data in calls!