Hi, I’m having issues on a new module I created in my suite crm instance.
The module has about 10 fields and a relationship with Opportunities. I populated it with a script, so it has about 10 000 records (same as Opportunities).
SuiteCrm takes is very slow when loading the module’s list view, about 120 seconds, when loading opportunities listview takes only 0.06 seconds.
I tracked slow queries, and I get these :
[FATAL] Slow Query (time:74.79937505722
SELECT new_module.id , new_module.assigned_user_id , jt0.name new_module_opportunities_name, jtl0.new_module_opportunitiesopportunities_ida new_module_opportunitiesopportunities_ida,
new_module.name , new_module.numero_facture , new_module.amount , new_module.currency_id , new_module.etape , new_module.date_facturation , new_module.date_paiement,
jt1.user_name assigned_user_name , jt1.created_by assigned_user_name_owner , 'Users' assigned_user_name_mod, new_module.created_by
FROM new_module
LEFT JOIN new_module_cstm ON new_module.id = new_module_cstm.id_c
LEFT JOIN new_module_opportunities_c jtl0 ON new_module.id=jtl0.trad_etape87d3uration_idb AND jtl0.deleted=0
LEFT JOIN opportunities jt0 ON jt0.id=jtl0.new_module_opportunitiesopportunities_ida AND jt0.deleted=0 AND jt0.deleted=0
LEFT JOIN users jt1 ON new_module.assigned_user_id=jt1.id AND jt1.deleted=0 AND jt1.deleted=0
where new_module.deleted=0 ORDER BY new_module.date_entered DESC LIMIT 20,21)
[FATAL] Slow Query (time:51.922508955002
SELECT new_module.*,new_module_cstm.* FROM new_module LEFT JOIN new_module_cstm ON new_module.id = new_module_cstm.id_c WHERE new_module.id = 'e173ba30-3ba1-4323-bfb8-d87754fa122c' AND new_module.deleted=0 LIMIT 0,1)
I’m on SuiteCRM Version 7.14.3, Sugar Version 6.5.25 (Build 344).
Using MariaDB : Server version: 10.11.6-MariaDB-0+deb12u1 Debian 12
Apache 1.4.62
php 8.2.25 with memory limit set to 256M.
I’m wondering if I made mistakes when setting up or populating my new module?
I guess the issue is with my database, so I tried to optimize the tables related to this module, but to no success
MariaDB [suite_crm_2025]> OPTIMIZE TABLE new_module;
| Table | Op | Msg_type | Msg_text |
| suite_crm.new_module | optimize | note | Table does not support optimize, doing recreate + analyze instead |
| suite_crm.new_module | optimize | status | OK |
2 rows in set (0,107 sec)
I think it might be because of the ids I used (uuid4), but the format seems coherent with other tables ids… Does anyone know what kind of ids suitecrm uses ?
I’ll take any kind of help I can get, thanks a lot !